Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 123
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the whaling basiness, and a num-
ber in coasting, and other fisheries.
The product of the whale, cod and
mackerel fisheries the year end-
ing April 1, 1837, amounted to
$93,108. The value of wool grown
was $2,110. The value of salt
manufactured, of vessels built, of
leather tanned, and of boots and
shoes made, was $27,910.

Dead Rivers.

Dead river, in Maine, is an im-
portant tributary to the Kennebec.
It rises on the border of Lower
Canada, in the county of Franklim
It passes in a S. E. direction 40 or
50 miles; then N. about 10; it then
changes to the E,, and after passing
about 15 miles it falls into the Ken-
nebec, about 20 miles below Moose
Head lake. The lands on Dead
river and its numerous tributaries
are very, fertile and heavily wooded.

Dead Stream, in Maine, is a con-
siderable tributary to the Penob-
scot, from the west. It empties at
Orono, opposite to the Indian vil-

Dead river, in New Hampshire,
rises in the N. W. corner of the
state, in Coos county, and after re-
ceiving several tributaries it falls
into the Margallaway.

Deanfield, Me.

Located at the N. W. corner
of Hancock county, between Pas-
sadumkeag river and Olammon
stream. See
Barnard, Me.

Dearborn, Me.

Kennebec co. The soil of this
town is excellent, particularly
around Great pond, which covers
a large portion of the surface, and
has a number of islands of great
beauty. This pohd is connected
with other large sheets of water
in Belgrade, Mount Vernon, and
Rome, which render thi3 part of
the county highly picturesque.
Dearborn was incorporated in 1812.

Population, 1837, 799.    15    miles

N. from Augusta.

Dedham, Me.

Hancock co. Incorporated, 1837.
It is bounded on the W. by Ells-
worth. Union river passes through
its N. W. corner. In 1837 it had
a population of 427, and produced
1,550 bushels of wheat.

Dedham, Mass.

Norfolk co. County town. This
town is on Charles river, with a good
water power. It is 10 miles S.
from Boston, 35 E. from Worcester,
35 N. W. from Plymouth, 26 N. by
W. from Taunton, and 30 N. E.
from Providence. It has a beauti-
ful court house of hewn granite.
Its Indian name was
Tiot. A rail-
road from the centre of the town
meets the Boston and Providence
rail-road, about two miles at the
eastward. The manufactures of
Dedham the year ending April 1,
1837, amounted to $510,755. They
consisted of cotton and woolen goods,
leather, boots, shoes, paper, mar-
bled paper, iron castings, chairs,
cabinet wares, straw bonnets, palm-
leaf hats, and silk goods. The val-
ue of silk goods manufactured was
$10,000. Dedham village is very
pleasant, and possesses every in-
ducement to render it a desirable
residence for the mechanic or man
of leisure. Population, 1837,3,532.

Deerfield, N. H.,

Rockingham co., is 18 miles E.
S. E. from Concord, and 30 W. hy
N. from Portsmouth. This town
has a number of very pleasant ponds
which afford fish of various kinds.
Moulton’s pond is situated at the
W. part of the town. This pond,
although small, is noted on account
of its having ho visible inlet, and
therefore is supposed to be supplied
hy a subterraneous passage, as the
water is always of nearly an equal
depth. The outlets of the pond run


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