and remarkable for its beauty. It produced, in 1837, 10,290 bushels of wheat.
Dover, N. H.
This is one of the most interest- ing and important towns in New Hampshire. It is one of the county towns of Strafford county, and lies 40 miles E. from Concord, 12 N. W. by N. from Portsmouth, and 45 S. W. from Portland. Population, 1830, 5,549. The principal streams of Dover, are the Cocheco, and Bellamy Bank, or Back river. They take a S. E. course through the town, and unite with other waters to form the Piscataqua.
Cocheco, or Quochecho river, has its rise from several small streams in New Durham, which unite in Farmington, whence the river meanders through Rochester, there receiving the Isinglass, a trib- utary, and thence passes through Dover into the Newichwannock, or Salmon Fall river, the principal branch of the Piscataqua. The Cocheco is a beautiful river, and very important to the inhabitants of Rochester and Dover. Passing over this town in any direction, the trav- eller finds no rugged mountains, nor extensive barren plains, but occa- sionally ascends gentle swells of land, from the height of which the eye meets some delightful object; a winding stream, a well cultivated farm, or a distant village. In the S. part of the town is a neck of land about 2 miles long and half a mile broad, having Piscataqua on one side, and Back river on the other. From the road on either hand, the land gradually descends to the rivers. It commands a very delightful, variegated, and exten- sive prospect of bays, adjacent shores, and distant mountains. On this neck the first settlement of the town was made, in 1623, by a company in England, whose design it was to plant a colony, and estab- lish a fishery around the Piscata- qua; for which purpose they sent over, with several others, Edward and William Hilton, fishmongers, of London. These men commenced their operations on the Neck at a place by the Indians called Wini- chahanat, which they called .Worth- am, and afterwards Dover. For several years, this spot embraced the principal part of the population of the town; here was erected the first meeting-house, afterwards sur- rounded with an entrenchment, and flankarts, the remains of which are still visible; here the people as- sembled to worship, and to transact their public business. In process of time, the business and popula- tion of the town began to centre around Cocheco falls, about 4 miles N. W. from the neck. These falls are in the river whose name they bear, and give to the water that pas- ses over them a sudden descent of 32 1-2 feet. Situate at the head of navigation, about 12 miles from the ocean, having a fertile country on the north, west, and south, they are considered among the most valu- able in New England. Around these falls the beautiful village of Dover is situated, containing many handsome buildings. |
The Dover “Cotton Factory Com- pany,” at Cocheco falls, was incor- porated in 1820. They have one brick mill of 420 feet by 45, 7 stories high, and two other mills of the same material, 154 by 43 feet, one 5 and the other 6 stories high.— These mills contain 25,040 spindles and 768 looms, and manufacture an- nually 5,000,000 yards of cotton cloth ; the principal part of which is bleached, and printed into calico1 hy the company. This company employ a capital of more than a million of dollars, and about 1,000 persons. There are other manu- facturing establishments at Dover, but this is the principal.
A society of Friends was estab- |