Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 131
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lished here at an early period, and
formerly comprised about one third
of the population.

A congregational church was or-
ganized in 1638. A Mr. Leverich,
a worthy puritan, was their first
minister, and probably the first or-
dained minister that preached the
gospel in New Hampshire. Mr.
Leverich soon removed, and1 until
the settlement of the pious Daniel
Maud, in 1642, the church was
much oppressed hy the bad charac-
ter of their ministers.

The Rev. Jeremy Belknap,

D. D. the celebrated historian of
New Hampshire, was ordained in
this town in 1767. He removed to
Boston, and was settled there April
4, 1787. He died in Boston, June
■ 20,1793, aged 54.

This town in its early years was
greatly frequented hy the Indians;
and experienced many sufferings
in their repeated attacks upon the
inhabitants. In 1675, Maj. Wal-
dron by a stratagem secured about
200 Indians at Dover, who had at
times exhibited signs of hostility.
Seven or eight of them, who had
been guilty of some atrocities, were
immediately hanged, and the rest
sold into slavery. The Indians
abroad regarded this act of Waldron
as a breach of faith, and swore
against him implacable revenge.
In 1089, after a lapse of 13 years,
they determined to execute their
project. Previous to the fatal night
(27th of June) some hints had been
thrown out by the squaws, but they
were either misunderstood or dis-
regarded ; and the people suffered
them to sleep in their garrisons as
usual. In the stillness of night the
doors of the garrisons were opened,
and the Indians, at a concerted sig-
nal, rose from their lurking places,
and rushed upon the defenceless in-
habitants. W aldron,though 80 years
of age, made a gallant defence, but
was overwhelmed by the superior
numbers of his adversaries, who
literally cut him to pieces. In this
affair, 23 persons were killed, and
29 made prisoners. The Indians
were soon overtaken and nearly the
whole party destroyed.

Dover, Vt.

Windham co. This town was a
part of Wardshoroug'h, until 1810.
It lies 12 milesN. W. from Brattle-
borough, 17 N. E. from Benning-
ton, and 120 S. by W. from Mont-
pelier. The land in Dover is high
and uneven;—more fit for pastur-
age than tillage. It is the source
of several branches of West, and a
branch of Deerfield river. Ser-
pentine and chlorite slate are found
here.. Population, 1830, 831.

Dover, Mass.

Norfolk co. Dover lies 5 miles
W. from Dedham, and 14 S. S. W.
from Boston. It was taken from
Dedham in 1784. This town is
bounded northerly by Charles river,
and in it are manufactures of nails,
iron hoops and rods, ploughs, brush-
es, boots and shoes. Total amount
of manufactures in 1836, $99,558/
The surface of Dover is uneven,
and a large part of it covered with
wood. Population, 1837, 518.

Down Bast, Me.

We crave the favor of a letter
from, our friends
“ Down East.”
See Barnard, Me.

Dracut, Mass.

Middlesex co. Dracut is united
to Lowell by a bridge over Merri-
mack river. The town is pleasant-
ly situated on the N. side, on the
line of N. H., with a tolerable soil
and some water power, by Beaver
river. It lies 27 miles N. from Bos-
ton, ar.d 16 N. byE. from Concord.
Incorporated, 1701. Population,
1837, 1,898. The manufactures of
Dracut consist of woolen goods,
leather, cutlery, boots and shoes.
Annual amount, exclusive of wool-
en goods, about $25,000.


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