Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 132
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Dresden, Me.

Lincoln co. On the E. bank of
Kennebec river, near the head of
Swan Island, 9 miles N. W. from
Wiscasset, 14 S. from Augusta, and
59 N. E. from Portland. This is a
large agricultural township, with
some trade on the river. Previous
to the division of the county, in
1789, Dresden was the shire "town
or place where all the courts in
Maine were holden, E. of Kenne-
bec river. Dresden was incorpo-
rated as a town in 1794. Popula-
tion, 1837, 1,570.

Drewsville, N. H.

See Walpole.

Dublin, IV. II.

Cheshire co. It is 10 miles E.
by S. from Keene, and 50 S. W.
from Concord. Dublin is situated
on the height of land between Con-
necticut and Merrimack rivers. Its
streams are small; those on the W.
side run into the Ashuelot, those on
the E. into Contoocook river. The
rain which falls on the roof of the
church is shared by the rivers.—
There is a pond near the middle of
the town called Centre pond, one
mile in length and about the same
in breadth, A large portion of the
Grand Monadnock lies in the N. W.
part of Dublin, and near the cen-
tre of the town is Breed’s moun-
tain. Monadnock was formerly co-
vered with a growth of small tim-
ber and shrubbery, but fires hav-
ing run over it at different times,
it presents little more than ragged
rocks. Between the rocks, how-
ever, there are low whortleberry
bushes, which produce great quan-
tities of fruit of a very rich flavor.
The season for ripening is the lat-
ter part of August, and to those
who ascend the summit at this sea-
son they are peculiarly grateful.
This mountain is not difficult of ac-
cess. The view from its summit
is sublime. Its height is 3,718 feet
*bove the level of the sea. The


land in general is much better for
grazing than tillage. The late Rev.
Edward' Sprague bequeathed near-
ly 8,000 dollars for the support of
public schools, the annual interest
of which is to be applied to this ob-
ject. He also left the town $5,000,
the interest of which, paid quarter-
ly, is to be applied to the support
of an ordained congregational min-
ister, who shall statedly preach in
Dublin. The first settlements were
in 1762, by John Alexander, and ;
others. Population, 1830, 1,218.

Dudley, Mass.

Worcester co. This good farm-
ing town was called by the Indians
Chabanakongkomuni. It is finely
watered by the Quinnebaug and
other streams, and possesses excel-
lent mill privileges. > Daring the
year ending April 1, 1837, the val-
ue of the manui'dctures of Dudley
amounted to $346,826. The arti-
cles manufactured were woolen
goods,leather, shoes, scythe snaiths,
chairs, and cabinet ware. The val-
ue of wool grown was $1,585.

Dudley lies 55 miles S. W. from
Boston, IS S. from Worcester, and
34 N. W. from Providence. Incorpo-
rated, 1731. Population, 1837,1,415.

Duke’s County, Mass.

Edgarton is the county town.
This county is formed of the islands
of Martha’s Vineyard, Chappequid-
dic, Elizabeth Islands, and No
Man’s Land—the latter of which
is the southern extremity of Mas-
sachusetts. These islands lie off
and S. of Barnstable county and
Buzzard’s bay, and contain about -
120 square miles. The principal
island, Martha’s Vineyard, the In-
„Yope, or Capawock, was first
settled by the whites, at Edgarton,
in 1641, and is 21 miles in length
and 6 in breadth. Although a large
portion of this county is woodland,
and many of the people engaged
in the fisheries and coasting trade,
yet considerable exports are annu-


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