ally made of wool, woolen cloth, salt and grain. This county suffer- ed much during the' revolutionary war. In 1778, the people were compelled to surrender their tire arms and 2,300 head of cattle to the British. Incorporated, 1695. Pop- ulation, 1820, 3,292; 1830, R,51S; 1837, 3,785: 32 inhabitants to a square mile. There were on these islands, in 1837, 11,281 sheep.
Summer, N. H.,
Coos co., is bounded N by Mills- field and Errol, and comprises 23,- 040 acres. It was granted March 8, 1773, and is watered by the Am- monoosuck and Androscoggin.— Population, 1830, 65.
Dummerston, Vt.
Windham co. West river passes through this town and gives it a ’ good water power. The surface is rough and hilly, but adapted to graz- ing. Black mountain, near the cen- tre, is a vast body of granite. Good slate for buildings, and primitive iimestone are found. There are in Dummerston some manufacturing concerns^and a considerable number of sheep. Population, 1830,1,592: 90 miles S. from Montpelier, and 8 S. E. from Newfane.
Dunbarton, 3V. H.
Merrimack co. This town lies 9 miles S. W. from Concord, and 7 S. E. from Hopkinton. Population, 1830, 1,067. The situation of the- town is somewhat elevated, though there are but few hills, nor any mountains. The air is clear, the water is good, and the health of its inhabitants is seldom interrupted by sickness. The soil is good, pecu- liarly suited for corn, wheat and or- charding. Almost every lot in town is capable of making a good farm. The farmers here have good build- ings and are excellent husbandmen. The advantages in point of water privileges are not great. The in- habitants are principally descend- ants of Scotch Irish, so called, from the North of Ireland. Their pos- terity still retain many traits of character peculiar to that people. Dunbarton was granted in 1751, to Archibald Stark and others. Its present name is derived from Dum- barton, \xx Scotland, from whence Stark emigrated. The first settle- ment was made about 1749. Wil- liam Stinson, horn in Ireland, came to Londonderry with his father. He was much respected and was a use- ful man. James Rogers was from Ireland, and father to Major Robert Rogers. He was shot in the woods, being mistaken for a bear. |
Dumnore Bake, Vt.
See Salisbury.
Dunstable, Mass.
Middlesex co. Nashua river wa- ters the N. W. part of the town, and passes into Nashua, N. H. The surface of the town is level;—some part of it is good land, but general- ly it is light and sandy. It has no manufactures, and only 315 sheep. Population, 1837, 570. Incorpora- ted, 1683. Dunstable lies 27 miles N. W. from Boston, 18 N. hy W. from Concord, and6 S. fromNashua.
Durham, Me.
Cumberland co. Located on the S. side of Androscoggin river, and united with Lisbon by a bridge. This is a township of good land, and farming is the principal occupation of the inhabitants. Durham lies 25 miles N. from Portland and 31 S. W. from Augusta. Population, 1837, 1,832. Incorporated, 1789.
Durham, IV. H.,
Strafford co., is 32 miles E. by S. from Concord, 11W. N. W.from Portsmouth, and 7 S. from Dover. Population, 1830,1,606. The situ- ation of this town, upon the Piscat- aqua and its branches, is very favor- able both as to water power and transportation. Oyster river,, one of |