Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 136
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been great. The general court of
Massachusetts made her a grant of
£50, and she received many other
valuable presents.

Duxbury, Vt.

Washington co. This town lies
on the S. side of Onion river, and is
watered .by several of its branches.
The land along Onion river is good,
but the greater part of the township
is mountainous and unfit for culti-
vation. Duxbury lies 12 miles W.
from Montpelier. First settled,
1786. Population, 1830, 651.

Duxbury, Mass.

Plymouth co. » This town lies on
Massachusetts bay in Plymouth har-
bor. It is 29 miles S. E. from Bos-
ton and 6 N. from Plymouth. Dux-
bury affords some good land, a good
water power and a great variety of
scenery. Its Indian name was
akeeset. Shipbuilding,the coasting
trade and fisheries is the chief busi-
ness of the place. In 1837, it had
46 vessels employed in the cod and
mackerel fishery., the product of
which amounted to $69,548. Val-
ue of vessels' built, $169,048. The
value of woolen cloth, leather,hoots,
shoes, salt, iron, brags castings and
tinware manufactured, amounted to
$105,787. Some attention is paid
here to rearing sheep, and the man-
ufacture of cordage.

There is in Duxbury an apple tree
noted for its age, size and fruitful-
ness. It is upwards of a hundred
years old. It is forty feet in height,
and its circumference, eight inches
from the ground, is 16 feet. Its
fruit, in one year, has made 10 bar-
rels of cider, besides 30 bushels for
the cellar. Population, 1837,2,789.

Dyer’s Bay, Me.

See Steuben.

Eagle Lake, Me*

This large lake is in the county
of Penobscot, between the Aroos-
took' and St. John’s rivers. It is


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connected with some lakes of smal-
ler size. The general outlet is north
by Chipquedopskook riv'er, about 14
•miles in length, into the river St.
John. Great quantities of logs are
taken to this outlet, sawed and sent
to New Brunswick.

East Bridgewater, Mass.

Plymouth co. This town lies on
a branch of Taunton river, and was,
until 1823, a part of the ancient
Bridgewater. It is 24 miles S. by
E. from Boston and 17 S. W. from
Plymouth. Population, 1830,1,653
—1837, 1,927. East Bridgewater
has a good water power, and man-
ufactured the year ending April 1,
1837, $414,044 value of goods. The
articles consisted of cotton goods,
boots, shoes, leather, bar iron, nails,
tacks, lead pipe, chaises, window
blinds, sashes and shoe boxes.

EastbroolL, Me.

Hancock co. Incorporated, 1837.
See. “
Dawn East.”

East Greenwich, R, I.

Shire town of Kent co. This
town was incorporated in 1677, and
is pleasantly located on Narragan-
set bay, 13 miles S. from Provi-
dence, and comprises an excellent
harbor for ships of 500 tons burthen.
A number of vessels are owned
here, and the coasting trade and
fisheries give employment to many
of the inhabitants. The town is
watered by Maskachug and Hunt’s
rivers, on which are cotton mills
and other manufactories. The soil
of the town is rather rough and
stony, but it yields good crops of
corn, barley and potatoes. East
Greenwich is noted for excellent
fruit and cider.

The “ Kentish Guards” was es-
tablished here in 1774, and proved
a nursery of distinguished officers,
of which the celebrated General
Nathaniel Greene was one. Across
the bay, to Bristol, is about 8 miles.
Population, 1830, 1,591.


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