East Haddam, Ct.
Middlesex co. A town of con- siderable trade and manufacturing enterprise, on the east side of the Connecticut, and at the outlet of Salmon river. It lies IS miles above the mouth of Connecticut river, 14 below Middletown, and 80 S. S. E. from Hartford. The soil is hilly and rocky, and more fit for grazing than tillage. Considerable business is done here in the shad fishery. It is supposed that more leather is made in this than in any other town in the state. This place has fine water privileges, both for navigation and manufactures. A short distance from the centre of the town is a pond covering 1,000 acres. On the river formed by the outlet of this pond, the water is precipitated over rocks nearly 70 feet perpendicular. The scenery around these falls is beau- tiful, and worthy of particular no- tice.
There are 6 cotton mills in East Haddam, two of which manufac- ture twine. «
Leesville, on Salmon river, and Mechanicsville, on Moodus river, a branch of Salmon river, are very flourishing settlements.
This place, the Indian Macki- moodus, is remarkable for frequent slight shocks of earthquakes, pro- ducing singular noises, which the Indians attributed to the anger of their gods towards the white men. It is said that some valuable geolo- gical discoveries have recently been made in this quarter. The town was first settled in 1685, but not in- corporated until 1724. Population, in 1835, about 3,000. This is the birth place of many distinguished men. The venerable Nathaniel Emmons, D. D., of Franklin, Mass. was born here.
Eastliam, Mass., |
Barnstable co., on a narrow part of the cape, 23 miles E. by N. from Barnstable. Population in 1837, 1,059. First settled, 1644. Incor- porated, 1646. The product of the cod and mackerel fishery in 1836,
was $30,900. The value of salt, boots, shoes and palm-leaf hats man- ufactured, was $10,561.
Easthampton, Mass.
Hampshire co. This is a pleas- ant town on the W. side of Connec- ticut river. The Hampshire and Hampden canal passes through it. In the year ending April 1, 1837, $40,000 worth of lasting buttons were manufactured; also cotton goods, leather, hoots and shoes, to the amount of $15,300: 5 miles S. from Northampton. Pop. 1S37, 793.
East Hartford, Ct.
Hartford co. This town is situa- ted opposite to Hartford, and con- nected with it by a bridge across Connecticut river. The soil of the town is generally fertile, but the alluvial meadows on the border of the river, of which there is a large tract, is of a superior quality. The agricultural products of this town are very considerable. Hackanum river furnishes the town with a good water power,on which are val- uable manufacturing establishments particularly of paper. East Hart- ford is noted for its manufactures in former years. The first powder mill in this country, it is said, was erected here in 1775. Anchors, mill screws, nail rods, gunpowder, paper, snuff and glass were manu- factured here in 1784. The early settlers found the ferocious and war- like tribe of Podunk Indians in this neighborhood. One sachem com- manded two hundred bowmen. This is a very pleasaDttown. The main street, which is very long and wide, is delightfully shaded by stately elms. East Hartford was taken from Hartford in 1784. Popula- tion, 1830, 3,537.
East Haven, Vt.
Essex co. Moose river rises in |