the easterly part of this town and the Passumpsic passes through the westerly part. The land is moun- tainous and most of it unfit for cul- tivation. It li$s 45 miles N. from Montpelier First settled, 1790. Population, 1830, 33.
Bast Ilaven, Ct.
New Haven co. This town was taken from New Haven, in 1785,and is connected with New Haven by abridge. Population, 1830, 1,229. It has good navigable privileges, and is watered byQuinnipiac river. It has some trade, but the principal employment of the inhabitants is agriculture and fishing.
This was a great resort for the Indians in former years. On Grave Hill was an Indian fort and ceme- tery. Bones of Indians of a large size, and domestic and warlike im- plements for savage use, have been found here. The Indian Well, in a granite rock, on an island in Stony river, is a curiosity. It is about 30 inches in diameter, very smooth at the bottom. It is now about 5 feet in depth, but formerly it was deep- er. It was evidently formed by the attrition of sand and pebbles which passed over this rock, it being at some former period, the bed of the river. East Haven is pleasant- ly located, and commands a fine prospect of Long Island Sound.
East Kingston, N. H.
Rockingham co. Its soil is of an excellent quality, and well adapted to the cultivation of grain and grass. Powow river crosses the S. W. part of this town, having its sources in the ponds of Kingston. The town was incorporated Nov. 17, 173S. Rev. Peter Coffin was settled here in 1739. Population, 1S3U, 442. It lies 40 miles S. E. by E. from Con- cord, and 20 S. S. W. from Ports- mouth.
East Machias, Me.
Washington co. This is a flour- |
ishing town on navigable waters. \
It was incorporated in 1826, and is the eastern part of Old Machias.
It lies on both sides of East Machi- as river, 149 miles E. by N. from Augusta. Population, 1837,1,282.
East Machias has a great water power, a large number of mills, and a very pleasant village. It is ex- tensively engaged in the lumber ;
trade. j
Easton, Mass. I
Bristol co. Two branches of Taun- ton river water this town, on which • j
are a woolen and 4 cotton mills, j
and various iron works. The man- ufactures consist of cotton and wool- en goods, pig iron, iron castings, wire, boots, shoes, shovels, spades, forks, hoes, cutlery, palm-leaf hats, straw bonnets, surveyors’ instru- ments and shoe pegs:—the value of which in one year (exclusive of woolen cloth, boots and shoes,) amounted to 207,100. The manu- facture of shovels, spades, forks and hoes, amounted to $108,000. Eas- ton lies 22 miles S? from Boston and 10 N. by W. from Taunton. In- corporated, 1725. Population, 1837,
Eastport, Me.
Washington co. The township ■
of Eastport embraces and is consti- tuted of Moose, Dudley’s, Frede- rick and Patmos islands, the chief of which, whereon the village of Eastport stands, is Moose island, in sight of, and but a short distance from, Indian and Campo Bello isl- ands, belonging to the British. East- port is a beautiful harbor in Passa- maquoddy bay, on the eastern boun- dary of the United States, and no- ted for smuggling adventures by !
strangers visiting the place dur- ing the embargo and war. It is- ]
about 7 miles N. by W. from West Quoddy Head, 176 E. by N. from Augusta, and about 30 E.N. E. from Machias. The tide is very rapid, and rises 25 feet. There are two |