long bridges connecting Moose isl- 1 and with Dennysville and Perry; each cost $10,000. Eastport and Lubec are the chief towns in Pas- samaquoddy bay, and are extensive- ly engaged in the fisheries, and the trade of the extensive waters of the river St. Croix and Bay of Fundy. Tonnage of Passamaquoddy bay, 10,712. Cobscook Bay and its trib- utary waters, on the west, give to Eastport a large trade in lumber. Moose Island contains 2,150 acres of rough land. It was first settled in 1780. In 1790 it contained only 244 inhabitants. There are nowon the Island a handsome village, con- taining 60 wharves, 80 stores, 5 meeting-houses, a United States garrison, and 5,000 inhabitants.
East 'Windsor, Ct.
Hartford co. First settled 1680. Taken from Windsor, 1768. This is an excellent township of land. Its extensive meadows on the east side of Connecticut river are of uncommon fertility and beauty. Among the various agricultural pro- ducts with which this town abounds, tobacco has been cultivated with success, and manufactured. It is said that 70,000 bushels of rye has been raised in a season. Scantic river, a considerable mill stream, passes through the north part of the town, and gives it the name of Scantic. The village of Wapping is in the S. E. section of the town. The principal street, about a mile hack of the river, is the village, running the whole length of the town, wide, neatly built and beauti- fully shaded. East Windsor lies 8 miles N. from Hartford. Popula- tion, 1830, 2,129.
Raton, N. H.,
Stratford co., lies 60 miles N. E. from Concord and 55 N. N. E. from Dover, and is bounded E. by Maine. Population, 1830, 1,432. The soil of the uplands, which are quite uneven, is moderately good, and the plains furnish excellent pine timber. There are several small ponds in this town. Eaton was granted Nov. 7,1776, to Clem- ent March and 65 others. |
Eddington, Me.
Penobscot co. This town lies on the east side of Penobscot river, 6 miles above, and N. N. E. from Bangor, and 70 N. E. by E. from Augusta. The village is pleasantly situated at the “ Bend ” of the river. The soil of the town is good and well wooded. It produced, in 1837,2,414 bushels of wheat. Population, 183?
' 558.
Eden, Me.,
Hancock co., situated on the north part of the island of Mount Desert, and taken from the town of Mount Desert (which formerly comprised the whole island) 1795. First set- tled, 1763. Eden lies 92 miles E. from Augusta, and about 18 S. by E. from Ellsworth. Population, 1837, 1,024. The town has a good soil, good harbors, and possesses great advantages for the shore fishery. It U said that 500 bushels of cran- berries have been picked in Eden in a season. Cranberry isles lie on the coast, about 3 miles south.
Eden, Vt.
Lamoille co. This township was granted to “ Col. Seth Warner and his associates, our worthy friends, the officers and soldiers of his regi- ment in the line of the continental army,” August 28, 1781. “ Our
friends,” for their patriotic services, certainly deserved a better town- ship than this, for it is mountainous, rocky and cold ; it is however good for grazing, and produces some fine beef cattle and sheep. It is water- ed by Green river and Wild Branch. Several ponds in the town afford, good fishing. Eden lies 30 miles N. from Montpelier, and is hound- ed S. by Hvdepark. Population, 1830, 461. |