Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 140
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Edgartown, Mass.

Dukes co. County town and
port of entry on the island of Mar-
tha’s Vineyard—91 miles S. E. from
Boston, 20 N. TV. by TV. from Nan-
tucket, 28 S. E. by E. from New
Bedford, 20 S. from Falmouth, and
495 from Washington. First set-
tled, 1641. Incorporated, 1671.
Population, 1837,1,625. Edgartown
(Old Town) harbor is on the east
side of the town, in lat. 41° 25' N.;
Ion. 70° 25' W. This township in-
cludes the fertile island of Chappe-
quiddick, on the southeast, on which
are some Indians. This island is 5
miles in length and 21-2 in breadth.
It is very pleasant and forms Old
Town harbor. Eight whale ships
belong to this place, and a number
of coasting vessels. This is said to
he the only place in the state where
grouse are native. The value of
sperm oil imported, in the year end-
ing April 1, 1837, was $65,598.
The value of salt, oil casks, boats
and hats manufactured the same
year, was $7,260. The value of
wool, the product of 2,150 sheep,
was $1,590.

Edgecomb, Me.

Lincoln co. This town is bound-
ed by Damariscotta river on the E.
and Sheepscot river on the TV., and
lies nearly opposite to Wiscasset
across the latter river. 26 miles S.
S. E. from Augusta. Population,
1837, 1,282. This town enjoys
great facilities for navigation, the
fisheries, ship building and the lum-
ber business. It is a place of con-
siderable trade. First settled, 1744.

Edinburgh, Me.

Penobscot co. Incorporated,1835.
Population, 1837,89. See “ Down

Edmonds, Me.,

Washington co., situated between
Cobscook bay and East Machias.

Population, 1837, 205. See “ Down

Effingham, N. H.

Strafford co. There are several
mountains of considerable elevation
in this town. The Ossipee river
passes through the town, over which
is atoll-bridge. Province pond lies
between Effingham and Wakefield.
Effingham was settled a few years
prior to the revolution. It was
then known by the name of Xea-
vitt’s Town. Incorporated, Aug.
18, 1778. Effingham borders TV.
on Ossipee lake and E. on Maine.
It lies 58 miles N. E. from Concord
and 25 N. E. by E. from Gilford.
Population, 1830, 1,911.

Egremont, Mass.

Berkshire co. A mountainous
township, watered by branches of
Housatonick river. Incorporated,
1760.    140 miles W. from Boston

and 15 S. S. W. from Lenox. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 968. The manufac-
tures of Egremont consist of wheat
flour, leather, boots, shoes, harness-
es, stone, (sawed,) chairs and cab-
inet ware. Total amount in one
year, $29,100. Value of 1,790
fleeces of wool, $2,770.

Elizabeth, Cape, Me.

This celebrated cape lies in the
town of Cape Elizabeth, and forms
the western limits of Casco hay.
Near the point of the cape is a
light-house, 50 fegt in height, in
N. lat. 43° 33', W. Ion. 70° 11'.
For the
town of Cape Eliza-
see Register.

Elizabeth Islands, Mass.

These islands are attached to
Dukes county, and lie betweeu
Buzzard’s bay and Vineyard sound.
They are 16 in number. The larg-
est, Nashawn and Nashawenna, are
inhabited. Gosnold, the discoverer
of Cape Cod, spent the winter of
1602-3, on one of these islands.


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