tive of Peterborough, was one of the first representatives to congress under the Federal government, was appointed Judge of S. C. of N. H. in 1802, was chief justice, and con- tinued such till 1809, when he was elected governor. He was appoint- ed chief justice of S. J, C. in 1813.
Hon. John Taylor Gilman, a descendant of one of the princi- pal settlers at Exeter, was an active supporter of the revolution; a mem- ber of the old congress; filled at times the offices of representative and state treasurer; and for four- teen years, between 1794 and 1816, was governor of the state.
Exeter has at all periods of its history possessed eminent and use- ful men; and some of the first law- yers and jurists, antiquarians and scholars, have received their early education at its literary institution. Population, 1830, 2,759.
Exeter, R. I.
Washington co. This is an agri- cultural and manufacturing town, situated 24 miles S. W. from Provi- dence, and from its centre about 10 miles N. W. from South Kingston. The town is very large, being 12 by 5 miles. The surface is much di- versified by hills and valleys; the soil is a gravelly loam, and very productive of all the varieties com- mon to the climate. The products of the dairy are considerable.— Branches of Wood river give this town a good water power, which is well improved by cotton mills and otner manufactories. Exeter was incorporated in 1743. Population, 1830, 2,383.
Fairfax, Vt. |
Franklin co. Bounded S. by La- moille river: 37 miles N. W. from' Montpelier, and 12 S. E. from St. Albans. First settled, 1763. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,729. By Parme- lee’s and Stone’s brooks, Brown’s river, and the Lamoille, this town enjoys a good water power. The falls on Lamoille river, at this place, are singular and worthy of the tra veller’s notice. The land is gene* rally level and of a good quality, A considerable amount of agricul- tural products is sent to market, and about 6,000 sheep are reared. There are some manufactures at the falls. Fairfax is a place of considerable business.
Fairfield, Me.
Somerset co. This beautiful town- ship is located on the W. side of Kennebec river, and S. of Bloom- field. Fairfield is the most south- ern township in the county. It is watered by a small stream running into the Kennebec, and by a branch of Waterville river. This town is favored with a fine soil, and naviga- ble privileges to Augusta. It has a pleasant village, considerable trade, and, in 1837, produced 11,- 531 bushels of wheat, and a large quantity of wool. Population, 1837, 2,203. Distant from Augusta, 26 miles N., and from Norridgewock, 10 S. E. Incorporated, 178S.
Fairfield, Vt.
Franklin co. Thistown was first settled in 17S9. It is well watered by Smithfield pond, Fairfield river, Black creek, and branches of Mis- sisque river, and abounds in mill sites. Fairfield has a good strong soil and generally suitable for cul- tivation. It is a pleasant place, with some trade and considerable manu- factures. It produces good beef cattle and horses, and pastures about
7,000 sheep. Population, 1830, 2,- 270. Fairfield lies 45 miles N. W. from Montpelier, 27 N. N. E. from Burlington, and is bounded W. by St. Albans.
Fairfield County', Ct.
Fairfield and Danbury are the shire towns. This county is bound- ed N. by Litchfield county, N. E. and E. by Housatonick river, S. E. and S. by Long Island Sound, and |