W. by the state of New York. This is a fine farming section of coun- try, agreeably diversified in regard to surface, with a strong fertile soil, and possesses great natural agricul- tural resources. Fairfield county extends nearly 40 miles on Long Island Sound, and enjoys great fa- cilities for navigation and the fish- eries. The beautiful Housatonick washes its northeastern boundary, and the Saugatuck, Norwalk, Mill, Pequonuck and other rivers afford it an ample waterpower. The man- ufacturing interests of the county are valuable and increasing. It contains many villages of superior beauty, and abounds in scenery of an interesting character. First set- tled, 1639. Area, 630 square miles. Population, 1820, 42,739; 1830, 46,950 : 75 inhabitants to a square mile. In 1837 there were in this county about 22,000 sheep.
Fairfield, Ct.
Shire town, Fairfield co. This ancient and patriotic town compris- es three parishes, Fairfield, the seat of justice, Green’s Farms and Greenfield. Fairfield lies 21 miles S. W. from New Haven, and 58 N. E. from New York. Population, 1830, 4,246. Its Indian name was Unquowa. The surface of the town is undulating and very plea- sant. The soil is fertile, well cul- tivated and productive of wheat and rye, and a great variety of fruits and vegetables for New York mar- ket. Black Rock harbor is safe and easy of entrance for vessels draw- ing 19 feet of water at common tides. The tide usually rises in Long Isl- and Sound about 5 feet. There is hut little water power in Fairfield, except that produced by the tide. The tonnage of Fairfield district, in 1837, was 11,988 tons. The prin- cipal business in navigation is the coasting trade.
In the year 1637, the tract of country which now forms the town of Fairfield was discovered by cap- 12* . |
tain Mason and the troops of Mas- sachusetts and Connecticut under his command, when they pursued the Pequots to the swamp in this town, bearing the name of “Pequot Swamp.” This is the spot made memorable by the great fight that took place there, between those troops and the Pequots, terminating in the almost entire destruction of that once powerful and warlike na- tion of savages. There are no In- dian marks left by which this swamp can be traced as the place of their extermination, except a mound of earth in the centre of it, considered as a place of safety, evi- dently the effect of art, with a rais- ed foot path leading from it to the surrounding high grounds. In that expedition this region attracted the notice of adventurers. In the year 1639 a few families removed hither from Windsor, commenced a settle- ment, and, in a short period after- wards, were joined by several per- sons from Watertown and Concord, Mass. After Connecticut obtained her charter, the general assembly granted these people a patent, then including the towns now Reading and Weston.
Fairfield is distinguished for its ardent attachment to American lib- erty, and for its sacrifices during the contest for independence. In 1779, when Tryon, a British governor, de- manded a surrender of the town, under a threat of its destruction, the answer of the inhabitants was, “ We will never voluntarily lay down our arms till we have obtained the object for which they have been taken up. The village is in your power; plunder and burn it if you will, and take along with your plun- der the infamy of which it cannot be divested.”
“On the 7th July, 1779, gover- ernor Tryon, with a large and vengeful army, sailed from New Haven to Fairfield; and the next morning disembarked upon the beach. A few militia assembled to |