oppose them; and, in a desultory, scattered manner, fought with great intrepidity through most of the day. They killed some; took several pri- soners; and wounded more. But the expedition was so sudden and unexpected, that the efforts, made in this manner, were necessarily fruitless. The town was plunder- ed; a great part of the houses, to- gether with the two churches, the court house, jail, and school houses, were burnt. The barns had been just filled with wheat, and other produce. The inhabitants, there- fore, were turned out into the world, almost literally destitute.
“ While the town was in flames, a thunder storm overspread the hea- vens, just as night came on. The conflagration of near two hundred houses illumined the earth, the skirts of the clouds, and the waves of the Sound, with an union of gloom and grandeur, at once inex- pressibly awful and magnificent. The sky speedily was hung with the deepest darkness, wherever the clouds were not tinged by the mel- ancholy lustre of the flames. At intervals the lightnings blazed with a livid and terrible splendor. The thunder rolled above. Beneath, the roaring of the fires filled up the intervals with a deep and hollow sound, which seemed to be the pro- tracted murmur of the thunder, re- verberated from one end of heaven to the other. Add to this convul- sion of the elements, and these dreadful effects of vindictive and wanton devastation, the trembling of the earth; the sharp sound of muskets, occasionally discharged; the groans, here and there, of the wounded and dying; and the shouts of triumph: then place before your eyes crowds of the miserable suf- ferers, mingled with bodies of the . militia, and from the neighboring hills taking a farewell prospect of their property and their dwellings, their happiness and their hopes; and you will form a just hut imper- fect picture of the burning of Fair- field. It needed no great effort of imagination to believe that the final day had arrived; and that amid this funeral darkness, the morning would speedily dawn, to which no night would ever succeed; the graves yield up their inhabitants; and the trial commence, at which was to be finally settled the destiny of man. |
“ The next morning the troops re-embarked; and, proceeding to Green’s Farms, set fire to the church, and consumed it; together with fifteen dwelling houses, elev- en barns, and several stores.”
Fair haven, Vt.
Rutland co. First settled, 1779. Population, 1830, 675. The soil is generally productive, particularly along the banks of the streams. It is watered by Castleton and Poult- ney rivers, the former of which re- ceives the waters of lake Bomba- zine, a large pond between Fair- haven and Castleton. On these streams are considerable falls, and mill sites. Fairhaven lies 16 miles W. from Rutland, and 9 N. E. from Whitehall, N. Y.
Fairhaven, Mass.
Bristol co. This pleasant town was taken from New Bedford, in
1812. It lies across Acushnett river, about a mile east of New Bedford. It is united to New Bed- ford by abridge 3,960 feet in length, and is associated with it in many of its enterprises. First settled, 1764. Population, 1830, 3,034; 1837,
3,649. There are 37 vessels be- longing to this place engaged in the whale fishery, the tonnage of which is 11,564 tons. The value of whale oil and bone imported in- to this place the year ending April 1, 1837, was $322,272. The num- ber of hands employed in the fish- ery was 945. Capital invested, 0957,000. The Acushnett produ- ces some water power,on which are |