Frankfort, Me.
Waldo co. This excellent town- ship of land is situated on the W. side of Penobscot river, 57 miles N. E. by E. from Augusta, 12 S. from Bangor, and IS N. from Bel- fast. It is well watered by Marsh river, on which are two beautiful villages. The largest village is near the Penobscot, on Marsh bay. The other village is at the head of the tide, on Marsh river, about 4 miles S. W. from the Penobscot, and is accommodated with excellent mill privileges. The location of Frankfort is exceeding favorable to tbe navigation and trade of Penob- scot river, particularly so in the winter season, as it is the highest point on the river to which vessels can ascend during the icy season of the year. The prospects of Frank- fort in its commercial and agricul- tural pursuits are very promising: indeed it bids fair to become an im- portant depot on one of our largest rivers. Among the agricultural products of this town, in 1S37, was 9,330 bushels of wheat. Popula- tion, 1830, 2,487; 1837,3,223. In- corporated, 1789.
Franklin County, Me.
Farmington is the county town. This county was incorporated March 20, IS3S.
The following is the legislative description of its territory:
“ The towns of New Sharon, Chesterville, Wilton, Temple and Farmington in the county of Ken- nebec; and Jay, Carthage, Weld, Berlin, Madrid, townships number- ed six, letter E. and D. in the coun- ty of Oxford, thence extending northerly from the north-west cor- ner of letter D. on the line be- twixt townships numbered three and four, through the several rang- es of townships to Canada line, so as to include three tiers of town- ships west of the west line of the Bingham Purchase in said county
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of Oxford; andlndustry, NewVine- yard, Strong, Avon, Phillips, Free- man, Salem, Kingfield, townships numbered four in the first range west of Kingfield, three and four in the second range, and the south half of township numbered' four in the third range of the Bingham Purchase, in the county of Somer- set, be and hereby are, &c.â€
This county is therefore bounded N. by Lower Canada, E. by the county of Somerset, S. by Kenne- bec and Oxford counties, and W. by Oxford county. This county has no navigable waters, but is inter- spersed with numerous ponds and mill streams. Its surface i^^en- erally undulating,with some moun- tainous tracts. Its soil, for the most part, is excellent, and cann{rt fail in remunerating the industrious far- mer by its products of wheat, beef, and wool.
Franklin County, Vt.
St. Albans, county town. This county is bounded N. by Lower Canada, E. by Orleans county, S. E. and S. by Lamoille county, S. by Chittenden county, and W. by lake Champlain. Incorporated,
1792. Population, 1830, 22,034. The Missisque river passes through the northern part of the county, and the Lamoille its most southern section. The principal part of the trade of this county goes to Canada, hy lake Champlain, which affords it many facilities in transportation. Although the surface is somewhat broken and in some parts mountain- ous, yet the soil is productive of wheat and grass. Many cattle are annually taken from this county to market, and in 1837 it had 63,000 sheep. In this county, marble and iron ore of excellent qualities are found.
Franklin County, Mass.
Greenfield, county town. Bound- ; ed N. by Windham county, Vt.,and a part of Cheshire county, N. H. |