Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 157
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E. by Worcester county, S. by
Hampshire county, and W. by Berk-
shire county. Area, 650 square
miles. The Connecticut river pass-
es nearly through the centre of this
county. It produces, in great abund-
ance, all sorts of grain, fruits and
vegetables common to its climate;
and exports considerable quantities
of beef, pork, and products of the
dairy. Manufactures are increas-
ing in value and importance; and
this county yields to no other in the
state in the extent of its hydraulic
powers, or in the richness and vari-
ety of its scenery. There are 44
inhabitants to a square mile. Chief
riv^f, Connecticut, Deerfield, and
Miller’s. Taken from Hampshire
county in 1811. Population, 1S20,
29,268; 1830, 29,344; 1837,28,655.
The value of the manufactures of
this county, for the year ending
April 1, 1837, was $787,900. The
value of wool grown, the product
of 55,713 fleeces, was $70,513.

Franklin, Me.

Hancock co. Franklin lies at the
head of Taunton bay, the most
northerly waters of.-Frenchman’s
bay. It is bounded S. by Sullivan,
and contains several large ponds
and good mill sites. Franklin is
about 15 miles E. from Ellsworth.
Population, 1837, 474. Incorporat-
ed, 1825.

Franklin, N. H.

Merrimack co. This town was
incorporated in 1828, from parts of
the towns of Salisbury, Andover,
Sanbornton, and Northfield: is 18
miles from Concord, 63 from Ports-
mouth, and 7S from Boston. Frank-
lin is a place of considerable and
increasing business; has a cotton
factory, two paper mills, an iron
foundry, and other manufacturing
establishments. The junction of
♦he Winnepisiogee and Pemigewas-
set rivers, in this town, form the
noble Merrimack, creating on both
streams an extensive and valuable
water power. It is probable that
within a few years the river will
be rendered navigable, by means
of locks and canals, as far up as
Franklin, in which event it would
become one of the most flourishing
interior towns in New Hampshire.
Population, in 1830, 1,370.

Franklin, Vt.

Franklin co. This town was for-
merly called Huntsburgh, and was
first settled in 1789. It lies 50
miles N. W. from Montpelier, 17
N. N. E. from St. Albans, and
bounded X. by Canada. The sur-
face of the town is rough, but the
soil is tolerably well adapted for
sheep, of which about 3,500 are
kept. Population, 1830, 1,129.

Franklin, Mass.

Norfolk co. Charles river and
its branches afford Franklin a good
water power.. It was taken from
Wrenthamin 1778. There are five
cotton mills in the town, and man-
ufactures of straw bonnets, shoes,
boots, boxes and boats; total amount
of manufactures in one year, $210,-
! 472, of which $160,186 were for
straw bonnets, for which this town
is celebrated. Franklin lies 27 miles
S. W. by 3. from Boston, and 17 S.
S.- W. from Dedham. Population,
1837, 1,696.

Franklin, Ct.

New London co. Shetucketriv-
er separates this town from Lisbon.
The surface of Franklin is uneven;
the soil a gravelly loam, more fit
for grazing than tillage. There is
a woolen factory on Beaver brook,
a branch of the Shetucket, but the
chief business of the people is rear-
ing sheep, and other agricultural
pursuits. Population, 1830, 1,194.
It lies 34 miles E. S. E. from Hart-
ford, and 7 N. by W. from Norwich.
Franklin was taken from Norwich
in 1786.


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