Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 158
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Freedom, Me.

Waldo co. Previous to its incor-
poration, in 1313, the territory of
Freedom was called “ Beaver Hill.”
It was first settled in 1794. It is a
good township of land, and bound-
W. by Albion, and E. by Knox.
It is about 20 miles E. S. E. from
Belfast, and 25 N. E. from Augus-
ta. Freedom, in 1837, with a pop-
ulation of 1,058, produced 6,084
bushels of wheat.

Freedom, N. H,

Strafford co. This town, former-
North Effingham, was incorpo-
rated by its present name, Dec. 6,
1832. It is an uneven township,
but has some good farms. It is
bounded in part by the Ossipee lake,
and river, which discharge east-
wardly into the Saco. Distant 60
miles N. N. E. from Concord. Pop-
ulation, in 1833, about 900.

Freeman, Me.

Franklin co. This small town
of only 17,000 acres, most of which
is woodland, with a population
of, 805, produced 6,485 bushels of
wheat in 1837. Freeman is the
source of a small branch of Sandy
river. It lies 62 miles N. W. from
Augusta, and 15 N. from Farming-

Freeport, Me.

Cumberland co. This is a respect-
able town with a pleasant village,
and small harbor at the head of Cas-
co bay, on the road from Portland
to Brunswick, 18 miles N. by E.
from the former, 9 S. W. from the
latter, and 36 S. S. V/. from Augus-
ta. Freeport was taken from North
Yarmouth in 17S9, and was former-
ly called the'
Harraseeket Settle-
ment, from the name of the river
that passes through it. This is a
place of some navigation, ship build-
ing, and agricultural enterprize.
Population, 1S37, 2,659.

Freetown, Mass.

Bristol co. This town lies on the
E. side of Taunton river, 8 miles
S. from Taunton, 12 N. by W. from
New Bedford, and 40 S. from Bos-
ton. First settled, 1659. Incor-
porated, 1683. Population, 1837,
1,779. It is watered by a branch
of Taunton river, and has some nav-
igation. The manufactures of Free-
town consist of iron castings, cut-
lery, axes, shovels, spades, hoes,
forks, nails, leather, boots, shoes,
vessels, chairs, and cabinet ware.
Total amount, in one year, $43,820.
The soil is light, and keeps, among
other cattle, about 1,000 shee^.

French River.

This river rises in Leicester, Mass.
It passes through Auburn, Oxford,
and Dudley; it then enters the state
of Connecticut and joins the Quin-
ebaugh at Thompson. Some French
protestants settled on this river in

Frenchman’s Bay, Me.

This important bay, in the county
of Hancock, containing a number
of excellent harbors and beautiful
islands, is bounded W. by Baker’s
island, one of the Cranberry islands,
and E. by a peninsula in Goldsbo-
rough, on the W. side of which is
Musquito harbor. The distance
across this bay, from Baker’s island
to Goldsborough point, is 10 miles.
This bay juts in from the Atlantic
ocean about 20 miles, and is envi-
roned by the towns of Eden, Tren-
ton, Hancock, Franklin, Sullivan,
and Goldsborough, and is the recip-
ient of many valuable streams. It
is easy of access, never obstructed
by ice, and is one of the best retreats
. in a storm on the American coast.

Friendship, Me*

Lincoln co. This is an Atlantic
town, containing several islands, at
the head of Muscongus bay. It
was formerly called the


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