are two falls, one outwards and one inwards. The only time of pass- ing with safety is when the waters of the river and of the sea are lev- el, which is twice in a tide, and continues only about 20 minutes each time.”
Frederickton, the capital of New Brunswick, lies on this river, 80 miles from its mouth, in N. lat. 46° 3', W. Ion. 66° 45'.
Gardiner, Me.
Kennebec co. Gardiner was for- merly a part of Pittston, and lies on the W. side of Kennebec river, 6 miles S. from Augusta, and 4 be- low Hallowell. It is located at the head of large navigation, and in re- gard to its commerce, manufactur- ing and agricultural interests, it is considered one of the most flourish- ing towns in Maine. It was incor- porated in 1803, and was named in honor of Dr. Sylvester Gardi- ner, one of the proprietors of the old Plymouth patent.
The Cobbessecontee waters meet the Kennebec river at this place, and produce a water power of great usefulness and extent. Here are mills for sawing lumber of all di- mensions, and here are vessels of from 80 to 120 tons burthen, lading it for transportation to its various markets. Here are also manufac- tures of various other kinds. This town, Hallowell and Augusta,lie in a most favored section of our coun- try. What we have said in regard to the location of Hallowell and Augusta, may be applied to Gard- iner. These towns are on the same side of a noble river, united by the same interests and feelings, and will soon be connected by a rail-road passing between them. The vil- lage of Gardiner is very pleasant. The business part lying on the riv- er, is full of activity and enterprise. The buildings, on a gentle rise from the river, are beautifully located. They command a delightful pros- pect, and some of them are of superior architecture. Population, 1837, 3,709. The present popula- tion is about 5,000. |
Gardner, Mass.
Worcester co. Otter river, a con- siderable stream, a branch of Mil- ler’s river, rises partly in this town, and affords good mill seats. On this river is some good intervale land; the high lands are rough, but good for grazing. The value of palm- leaf hats, straw boonets, chairs, cabinet and wooden wares, leath- er, boot3 and shoes, manufactured in one year, amounted to 8132,- 272. The cabinet ware and chairs amounted to §109,009. Gardner was incorporated in 1785, and lies 54 miles N. W. by W. from Boston, and 23 N. W. by N. from Worces- ter. Population, 1837, 1,276.
A church was formed here in 1786, and the Rev. Jonathan Osgood was ordained. He died in 1825, af- ter sustaining the vocations of pas- tor, physician and school master, 30 years.
Garland, Me.
Penobscot co. Garland is water- ed by some of the head branches of Kenduskeag stream. It lies 74 miles N. E. by N. from Augusta, and 27 N. W. from Bangor. Incor- porated, 1811. Population, 1830, 621; 1837, 932. This is an excel- lent township of land; it produced, in 1837, 6,521 bushels of wheat.
Gay Head, Mass.
See Chilmark.
Georgetown, Me.
Lincoln co. Georgetown is con- stituted of two considerable islands lying at the mouth of Kennebec river. These islands have Kenne- bec river on the W., Sheepscot riv- er on the E., and separated from Woolwich on the N. by a naviga- ble passage between those two riv- ers. It is a little below Bath, on the opposite shore. This is one |