Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 162
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of the most ancient settlements in
Maine. The town was incorporat-
edinl716. Population, 1837, 1,355.
It lies 46 miles S. from Augusta,
and 12 S. W. from Wiscasset. This
town has excellent harbors, and pos-
sesses peculiar privileges for all oc-
cupations connected with naviga-
tion and the fisheries.

Georgetown, Mass.

Gilead, Me.

Oxford co. Between two moun-
tains on both sides of Androscoggin
river. There is some good land on
the river, but the chief part of the
township is fit only for grazing.
The expense of transportation of
fuel down the mountains, in a slip-
pery time, is very trifling. Gilead
lies 71 miles W. from Augusta, and
25 S. S. W. from Paris. Incorpora-
ted, 1804. Population, 1837, 374.

Gilford, N. H.,

One of the four shire towns for
Strafford county, is situated on the
S. side of Winnepisiogee lake.
This town lies 26 miles N. N. E.
'from Concord, and 48 N. W. from
Portsmouth. The soil is generally
productive. There are two ponds
in this town, Little and Chattlebo-
; rough. Gunstock and Mile’s rivers,
rising in Suncook mountains and
flowing N. into the lake, are the
principal streams. The N. source
of the Suncook river is on the S.
of these mountains, which extend
in a lofty pile over the E. part of
the town, from Gilmanton line near-
ly to the lake. There are seven isl-
ands in the lake, belonging to Gil-
ford, one of which has been con-
nected to the main land by abridge
30 rods in length. This town,
which was formerly a part of Gil-
manton, was incorporated June 16,
1812. It was settled in 1778.—
Here are manufactories of cotton
goods, besides other useful mills
and machinery. Four bridges
across the Winnepisiogee connect
the town with Meredith. The vil-
lage at this place is thriving and
pleasant. Population, 1830, 1,872.

Gill, Mass.

Franklin co. A mountainous
township on the W. side of Con-
necticut river; 86 miles W. hy N.
from Boston, and 5 E. N. E. from
Greenfield. Gill contains a fine

Essex cq. Georgetown was the
W.. part of Rowley. It was called
Rowley for some years, un-
til its incorporation as a separate
town, in 1838. Georgetown is wa-
tered by a branch of Parker’s riv-
er, and is almost entirely engaged
in manufactures and the mechanic
arts. It is a pleasant town and high-
ly flourishing. Population, ahout
1,500. It lies 30 miles N. from
Boston, and 10 S.
W. from Newbu- ;
ryport. The people of Georgetown
are probably more extensively en-
gaged in the manufacture of boots
and shoes than at any other place,
of its population, in America. The
value of boots .and shoes manufac-
tured, and leather tanned, is said to
exceed $500,000 annually.

Georgia, Vt.

Franklin co. Population, 1830,

I,897. Georgia lies 40 miles N.
W. from Montpelier, and 8 S. from
St. Albans. First settled, 1784.
The soil of Georgia is various but
generally fertile. It feeds about

II,000 sheep. The Lamoille pass-
es through the S. E. corner of the
town, which, with other streams,
give it an ample waterpower. This
is a place of considerable trade and
some manufactures. Over
Bridge brook
is a stone bridge,—
a curious piece of nature’s mechan-
ism. Georgia is washed on the W.
by Lake Champlain: the village is
pleasantly located, and commands
some very pretty lake and moun-
tain scenery.


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