tract of rich intervale on a bend of the Connecticut. The people are generally engaged in farming. The town is divided from Greenfield by Fall river. It has some manu- factures of combs, wooden ware, leather and palm-leaf hats. The fleeces of 1,809 sheep weighed 5,627 pounds, and were valued, in 1837, at $2,214. Population, 1837, 809. Taken from Deerfield in
Gilmantoii, IV* H.
One of the shire towns in Straf- ford county, 17 miles N. N. E. from .Concord, and 45 W. N. W. from Portsmouth. It is bounded N. and N. E. by Gilford and Alton. Pop- ulation, 1830, 3,816. Beside the Winnepisiogee, this town is water- ed by the Suncook and Soucook rivers, which have their sources in Gilmanton. The Suncook rises in a pond near the top of one of the Suncook mountains, elevated 900 feet above its base. The water of this pond falls into another at the foot of the mountain, of 1 mile in length and 1-2 mile wide. Passing from this, it falls into another, cov- ering about 500 acres, from which it meanders through the town, re- ceiving several streams in its course. The Soucook rises from Loon, Rocky and Shellcamp ponds, in the S. part of the town. This town is very hilly and rocky. The soil is hard, but fruitful, when properly cultivated. The geology of this town presents many varieties.— There are several springs in Gilman- ton, termed mineral; one of which has proved efficacious in cutaneous and bilious affections. This town was granted May 20, 1727, to 24 persons-of the name of Gilman, and 152 others. In Dec. 1761, Benja- min and John Mudgett, with their families, settled here. Dorothy Weed, the first child, was born here Oct. 13, 1762. An academy was founded here in 1764. Its produc- tive funds are about $11,000. The theological seminary at this place is connected with the academy, and is a flourishing institution. |
Gilsum, N. H.
A small township in Cheshire county, situated about 10 miles E. from the Connecticut. The soil is, in many parts, fertile, and produces good crops of grass and grain. Ashuelot river runs through this town and affords a good supply of water for mills, which is improv- ed for cotton and other manufac- tures. Gilsum was granted July 13, 1763, to Messrs. Gilbert, Sum- ner and others. From the com- bination of the first syllables of the names of these men, it derives the name of Gil-sum. The first settle- ment was made in 1764. Gilsum lies 55 miles S. W. by W. from Concord, and about 9 N. from Keene. Population, 1830, 642.
Glenburn, Me.
Penobscot co. This territory was called Dutton, from 1822 to 1837. It lies 76 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 10 N. N. W. from Bangor. Population, 1837, 717. Glenburn is situated on both sides of the great bend of Kenduskeag stream. It has a water power, but the inhabitants are mostly farmers. The soil is good, and considerable wheat is raised.
Glastenbury, Vt.
Bennington co. This is a town- ship of 40 square miles of moun- tainous land, more fit for the resi- dence of wild beasts than human beings. It is 9 miles N. E. from Bennington. Population, 1830, 59.
Glastenbury, Ct.
Hartford co. This town, pre- vious to its incorporation in 1690, had been attached to Wethersfield. It lies on the east side of Connecti- cut river opposite to Wethersfield, 8 miles S. from Hartford. It has |