Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 166
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by E. from Amherst, and 16 S. from
Concord. Piscataquog river, the
tributary branches of which unite
near the W. line of the town, runs
through its centre in an E. direc-
tion, and falls into Merrimack riv-
er at Piscataquog village in Bed-
ford. Large quantities of lumber
are annually floated down this riv-
er to the Merrimack, and most of
the mill privileges are derived from
this valuable stream. There are
two considerable elevations in the
S. W. part of the town, which ob-
tained from the Indians the name
Un-can~nu-nuc. On the rivers
are considerable tracts of valuable
intervale. Back from the rivers
commence extensive plains, easy of
cultivation, and producing abun-
dant crops of Indian corn and rye.
From these plains the land rises
on each side of Piscataquog river
into large swells. In this" town
there is an extensive cotton factory.
The Goffstown Manufacturing Com-
pany are erecting a large woolen
factory at a flourishing village, in
the W. part of the town, on Piscat-
aquog river. Population, 1830,

Dr. Jonathan Gove, a man
distinguished for his urbanity, his
talents and professional skill, resid-
ed in this town. He was one of
the oldest practitioners of medicine
in the county. He was many years
an active member of the legisla-

Goldsborough, Me.

Hancock co. This is a large
township, on the Atlantic ocean,
containing a number of excellent
harbors, and nearly surrounded bv
water. It is admirably located for
all the various pursuits in naviga-
tion. Goldsborough harbor, on the
E. side of the town, is capacious and
easy of approach hy almost any
wind. Frenchman’s bay extends
on the W. side of the town and af-
fords it many commercial advanta-
ges. It lies 99 miles E» from Au-
gusta, 27 S. E. from Ellsworth, and
is bounded by Sullivan on the N.
Incorporated, 1789. Population,
1830, 880; 1837, 1,047.

Gorham, Me.

Cumberland co. This town n
watered on the N. E. side by Pre-
sumpscut river,and the Cumberland
and Oxford canal. It is 9 miles W.
N. W. from Portland, and 63 S. W.
from Augusta. Gorham was first
settled in 1736, by John Phinney
and others from Barnstable county,.
Mass. Maine was at that time
almost a wilderness. Portland, Sa-
co and Scarborough were very fee-
ble in consequence of the depreda-
tions of the Indians. These peo-
ple endured great privations, and
for many years were in constant
apprehension of attack by the sav-
ages. “The wives and daugh-
ters of the first settlers of Gorham
shared in all the toils and wants of
their husbands and fathers; they
used to labor in the field, carry bur-
dens, go to mill, and aid in defence
of their property. One time when
most of the men were away, the
Indians attacked the fort, and the
wife of Hugh McLellan rallied the
women in the garrison, shut the
gates, mounted the walls, fired up-
on the Indians, and by her courage
and activity baffled the enemy till
succor arrived.”

Rev. Solomon Lombard, a native
of Truro, Mass., was the first set-
tled minister. His annual salary
was £53, 6s.
8d. He was ordained
Dec. 26, 1750. One hundred and
twenty dollars were raised to defray
the expenses of the ordination.
We copy the following from the
list of supplies for that occasion, to
show the prices of some articles at
that period.

1 barrel of flour, £14

7s. Gd.

3 bushels of apples, 2



2 barrels of cider, 9



2 gallons of brandy, 5



1 bottle of vinegar, 0



2 cheeses, Gd. per lb.


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