Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 167
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54| lbs. of pork, 7d. per lb.

6 candles,    £0    Is. 0d.

1 oz. of nutmegs,    0    10

8 fowls,    ~    1    16    0

29 lbs. sugar,    8    14    0

1 tea pot,    1    10    0

4 gallons of rum, 5 4 0

2 bushels cranberries, 2    0    0

1 lb. of tea,    0    10    0

1 lb. of ginger,    0    2    0

6 gals, molasses, 2s. Sd. per gal.

4 oz. of pepper, 0    0    '6

Gorham is very pleasantly loca-
ted : its soil is of a superior quali-
ty: it has a flourishing academy, on
a solid foundation : it is a place of
considerable trade, and of exten-
sive manufactures of cotton, wool,
leather, starch, and gunpowder.
Gorham has produced many men of
talents, among which were eminent
jurists and statesmen. It is noted
for its attachment to the principles
of the revolution.

From 1807 to 1834, twenty per-
sons died in Gorham, whose aver-
age age was 94 years. Population,
1837, 3,022.

Gorliam, X. H.,

Coos co., is a rough and unpro-
ductive township lying on ihe north-
erly base of the White mountains,
and hounded E. by Shelburne, N.
by Berlin, and W. by Randolph,
and is 96 miles N. from Concord.
Several streams descend from the
mountains through this town into
the Androscoggin. It was former-
ly called
Shelburne Addition, but
was incorporated by its present
name June 18, 1836. Population
in 1830, 111.

Goshen, X. H.,

Sullivan co., is bounded N. by
Newport and Wendell, E. by New-
bury, S. by Washington, and W.by
Lempster and Unity. It is 42 miles
W. by N. from Concord. Croydon
turnpike passes through Goshen.
From Sunapee mountain, lying in
the E. part of this town, spring ma-
ny small streams, which unite in
forming Sugar river. Rand’s pond
is in the N. E. part of the town.
The soil is particularly calculated
for the production of grass. It was
incorporated Dec. 27, 1791. The
first settlement was made about the
year 1769, by Capt. Benjamin Rand,
William Lang, and Daniel Grindle,
whose sufferings and hardships were
very great. The crops of the first
settlers were greatly injured, and
sometimes entirely destroyed by
early frosts. In such cases they
procured grain from Walpole and
other places. At a certain time of
scarcity, Capt. Rand went to that
place after grain, and being detain-
ed by a violent snow storm, his
family was obliged to live without
provision for six days, during which
time Mrs. Rand sustained one of
his children, 5 years old, by the milk
from her breast, having a short time
before buried her infant child. Pop-
ulation in 1830, 772.

Goslien, Vt.

Addison co. First settled, 1800.
Population, 1S30, 555. Goshen lies
30 miles S. W. from Montpelier,
and 15 S. E. from Middlebury. Lei-
cester and Philadelphia rivers sup-
ply the town with mill privileges.
The lands along the rivers are very
good, but in general they are too
mountainous for profitable cultiva-
tion. Some minerals are found in
this town.

Goshen, Mass*

Hampshire co. A mountainous
town, 103 miles W. by N. from Bos-
ton, and 12 N. W. from Northamp-
ton. Some valuable minerals are
found here, such as emeralds, lead,
and tin. The manufactures of Go-
shen are small, chiefly of boots and
shoes. The value of 3,048 fleeces
of wool, produced in 1837, was sold
for $4,500. Population, 1837, 560.

Goshen, Ct.

Litchfield co. First settled, 1738.


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