Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 175
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amount, are adduced as evidence
of the prosperity of a town, it is
useless to talk about water power,
cotton factories, or wool growing.

Groton lies 16 miles E. by S. from
Montpelier, and 15 S. by W. from
Danville. Population, 1830, 836.

Groton, Mass.

.Middlesex co. This is a delight-
ful town,with an extraordinary good
soil; 32 miles N. W. from Boston,
and 13 W. by S. from Lowell.

Groton was settled soon after
Concord. It was for some years a
frontier settlement, and much ex-
posed to the Indians. In 1676, the
town was attacked by 400 Indians,
and all the buildings plundered and
burnt, except four garrison houses.

The town is finely watered by
the Nashua and Squanecook rivers
and a number of beautiful ppnds.
The buildings are in a style of
great neatness and taste, and some
of elegance. This town has a fe-
male seminary of high leputation,
and a number of moral and reli-
gious institutions. The local beau-
ties of Groton and its facilities for
education are so great as to induce
many wealthy families to made it
their residence. The manufactures
of Groton consist of paper, axle-
trees, soap-stone pumps, mathemat-
ical instruments, clothing, palm-
leaf hats, chairs, cabinet ware,
leather, boots and shoes. Incor-
porated, 1655. Population, 1830,

Groton, Ct.

New London co. Groton lies at
the mouth of the river Thames, in
the harbor of New London, and op-
posite to that city, on tbe E. The
lands are generally hilly and rocky,
with some fertile tracts on the mar-
gin of the Thames. There are sev-
eral villages,
Groton Bank, oppo-
site New London,
Portersville, on
Mystic river, and
The Pequonnuck and Mystic riv-
ers pass through the town, and emp-
ty into Long Island Sound. A num-
ber of whale ships and coasting ves-
sels are owned in this town. This
is a place of some trade, and consid-
erable quantities of the produce of
the county is shipped to New York
market. Ship building is carried
on to a considerable extent, on
the Mystic, which is navigable fo*
large vessels about two miles from
the Sound. About 300 men and
boys are employed in navigation.

Previous to its incorporation, in
1705, Groton was a part of New-
London. Population, 1830, 4,705.

“ Groton will ever be memora-
ble as the theatre of the most im-
portant and interesting military
transactions which have taken place
in the state. In the early settle-
ment of the country, the fate of
Connecticut was decided by the
sword on Pequot hill, within the
limits of this town, and the Pequots,
the most haughty and warlike tribe
of savages in New England, effec-
tually crushed by a single blow,
and their existence as a nation an-
nihilated. In the war of the revo-
lution, another of the 4 high places
of Groton became an Aceldama’,
and the flower of her sons were sa-
crificed to the vengeance of an in-
furiated enemy.

“ On the 6th of September, 1781,
a body of British troops, about 800
in number, under tbe command
of Lieut. Col. Eyre, landed on the
Groton side, opposite the light-
house, and having found a lame boy
collecting cattle, compelled him to
show them the cart path to the fort.
They landed about 9 o’clock in the
morning of a most delightful day,
clear and still. Fort Griswold was
under the command of Lieut. Col.
William Ledyard, brother of the
celebrated traveller of the same
name. He resided on Groton hank,
opposite New London, and was
much beloved and respected by his
neighbors. On the advance of the
enemy, Col. Ledyard, having but
about 150 men with him in the fort,


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