Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 177
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base, and eleven feet at the top.
It is ascended by one hundred and
sixty five stone steps, inserted into
the outer wall, rising in a circular
form, their inner ends supported by
an iron rail and bannister. The mon-
ument is constructed of granite, of
which there is an abundance in the
vicinity. The expense of its erec-
tion was eleven thousand dollars;
this amount was raised by a lottery,
granted by the state for this pur-

The following is the inscription,
on marble, placed over the entrance
of the monument.

“ This Monument
was erected under the patronage
of the
State of Connecticut,

A. D. 1830,
and in the 55th year of the Independ-
ence of the U. S. A.

In memory of the brave Patriots
who fell

in the massacre at Fort Griswold,
near this spot,
on the Gth of September, A. D. 1781,
when the
British, under the command
of the traitor, Benedict Arnold,
burnt the towns of
New London and Groton,
and spread desolation and woe
throughout this region.”

Guildhall, Vt.

County town of Essex co. Guild-
hall is situated on tbe W. side of
Connecticut river, and is united to
Lancaster, N. H., by two bridges
across the river. The town is wa-
tered by several small streams.—
The soil of the town is quite uneven'
and stony, except a tract of inter-
vale on the river. Cow and Burn-
side mountains are considerable ele-*
vations, and afford excellent views
of the meanderings of the Connec-
ticut. Guildhall lies 50 miles N.

E. from Montpelier, and 90 N. by

E. from Windsor. First settled,
1789. Population, 1830, 481.

Guilford, Me.

Piscataquis co. This town is fine-
ly watered by the Piscataquis and
some of its upper branches. It is
of fine soil, and produced in 1837,
4,965 bushels of'wheat. It has a
pleasant village, a number of mills,
and considerable trade. Guilford
is 71 miles N. by E. from Augusta,
45 N. W. from Bangor, and 12 N.
W. from Dover. Incorporated, 1816.
Population, 1837, 799.

Guilford, Vt.

Windham co. This town was first
permanently settled in 1760. It lies
125 miles S. from Montpelier, 1,5
: S. by E. from Newfane, and 30 E.
from Bennington. Population, 1830,
1,760. The people of this town
took an active part in defending tbe
rights of Vermont against the claims
of jurisdiction set up by the state
of New York, about the years
1783-4. Guilford produced a num-
ber of patriots in this as also in tbe
revolutionary cause. The soil of
the town is warm and fertile, ex-
; ceedingly productive of grain.fruits,
maple sugar, butter, cheese, pork,
sheep, horses, and beef cattle. It
; has good mill seats on Green river
and branches of Broad brook, a
number of manufactories, a medi-
cinal spring, and various kinds of

Guilford, Ct.

New Haven co. This town, the
Menunkaiuc of the Indians, was
first settled in 1639. The town was
settled hy a party of Non-Conform-
ists from England, at the head of
which was the Rev. Henry Whit-
field. Mr. Whitfield’s house, built
of stone, in 1640, is now standing,
occupied, and in good repair. The
cement used in building it, is said
to be harder than the stone itself.
This building was used by the first
settlers as a fort and place of refuge
against the attacks of the natives.


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