The first marriage in the town was solemnized in this building. The treat on the occasion was pork and peas. Guilford borough was incor- porated in 1815. It is handsomely located two miles from Long Island Sound, on a tract of alluvial plain, and near a small stream called the Menunkatuc. The buildings in the borough are neat, but somewhat antiquated in their appearance.— Guilford is a place of resort for sea air and bathing, The accommoda- tions are very good. The scenery in the vicinity of Sachem’s Head is wild and picturesque. The soil of Guilford i3 well adapted to agri- cultural pursuits, to which, and some coasting trade, the principal part of the inhabitants are devoted. It lies 16 miles E. from New Haven, and 36 S. from Hartford. Population. 1330, 2,344.
Haddam, Ct.
One of tbe county towns of Mid- dlesex co. Incorporated, 1668. This town lies on both sides of Connec- ticut river. Haddam Society, on the W. side, is the largest part of the town, and the seat of justice. That part of Haddam on the E. side is called Haddam Neck. There is but little alluvial land in Had- Uam. The principal part of the township is hilly and stony, 'with considerable forests. There are valuable quarries of granite on both sides of the river. About 150 men are annually employed in quarry- ing it, and about $70,000 worth of stone is annually exported. There are many vessels built at Haddam. The timber in this quarter of the county is well adapted for that pur- pose. The village of Haddam is pleasant, and -has a good prospect of the river. It lies 23 miles S. from Hartford, and 8 S. E. from Middletown. Population, 1830, 2,- 830.
David Brainerd, the devoted missionary among the Indians, first drew his breath in Haddam, |
If the greatness of a character is to he estimated by the object it pursues, the danger it braves, the difficulties it encounters, and the purity and energy of its motives, David Brainerd is one of the great- est characters that ever appeared in’ the world. Compared with this standard of greatness, what little things are the Alexanders, the C®. sars, the conquerors of the whole earth. A nobler object no human or angelic mind could ever propose to itself than to promote the glory of the great Governor of the Uni- verse, in studying and laboring to diffuse purity and happiness among his unholy and miserable creatures.
“‘His life and diary among the Indians,’ says a celebrated English divine,4 exhibits a perfect pattern of the qualities which should dis- f tinguish the instructor of rude and barbarous tribes; the most invinci- ble patience and self denial, the profoundest humility, exquisite pru- dence, indefatigable industry, and such a devotedness to God, or rath- er such an absorption of the whole soul in zeal for the divine glory and the salvation of men, as is scarcely paralleled since the age of the apostles.’ â€
This faithful servant of Christ died at the house of the Rev. Jona- than Edwards, at Northampton, Mass., October 10, 1747, aged 30.
Hadley, Mass.
Hampshire co. This is a plea- sant town on the E. bank of Con- necticut river, and unites with Northampton by a beautiful bridge, T,030 feet in length. It was first settled in 1647. Incorporated, 1661. Population, 1837, 1,805. It lies S3 miles W. from Boston. Two small streams afford tbe town some water power. Hadley contains a large and fertile tract of alluvial meadow. The village, situated on the river, is pleasant, and contains many neat and valuable buildings.
Hadley was a retreat of the cele* |