The granite is of a light Color and easily wrought: in some years
$1'00,000 worth of it has been trans- ported. Vessels drawing 9 feet of water can come to the wharves in the centre of the village.
As Hallowell and Augusta are so closely united in all their vari- ous interests and pursuits, a repeti- tion of what we have said of the favorable position of Augusta, and of its future prospects, is unneces- sary. With common success in our national affairs, and with a contin- uation of that spirit of enterprize, every day manifested on the banks of the Kennebec, it requires no iMormon spectacles to foresee that within a very few years there will he a continuous village from the Kennebec dam to the mouth of the Cobbessecontee. Population, 1820, 2,919; 1830, 3,964. The present population is about 5,000.
Hallowell was, for many years, the residence of Benjamin Vaug- han, LL. D. a gentleman highly distinguished for his learning, pub- lic benefactions and private virtues.
Hall’s Stream, IV. H.,
Rises in the highlands which sep- arate that state from the British do- minions, and forms the N. W. boun- dary between New Hampshire and Lower Canada, from its source to its junction with the Connecticut at Stewartstown.
Hamden, Ct.
New Haven co. This town was taken from New Haven in "1786, from which it lies about 6 miles N. It is situated between the East and West Rock ranges of mountains, the southern terminus of the Green mountain range. The soil in many parts is easy of cultivation, but in general it is more adapted to graz- ing than tillage. Minerals are found here, among which are spe- cimens of very pure copper. Mill river affords numerous sites for wa- ter works.
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Whitney smile, about two miles from New Haven, is admirably lo- cated for manufacturing opperations. The manufactures at the Carmel works, consist of paper, carriages, coach and eliptic springs, steps, axletrees, brass work, &c. Mount Carmel, a noted elevation, 8 miles N. from New Haven, exhibits an extensive prospect. Population, 1830, 1,669. 1
Hamilton, Mass.
Essex co. This is a beautiful farming town, and most of the in- habitants are employed in cultivat- ing it. There are some vessels built here, and some manufactures of leather, boots, and shoes. The town is quite small. Population, 1837,827. Taken from Ipswich in 1793. It lies8 miles N. by E. from Salem.
Hampden, Me.
Penobscot co. Hampden lies on the west side of Penobscot, below and adjoining Bangor. It is also watered by the Sowadabscook riv- er, a large and valuable mill stream. This is an important township in its commerce on the Penobscot, its manufacture of lumber, and its ag- ricultural productions. It is one of the most flourishing towns on the river. The quantity of wheat pro- duced by the farmers, in 1837, was 5,664 bushels. Population, 1830,
2,020 ; 1837, 2,520. Hampden is 6 miles S. from Bangor, and 62 E. N. E. from Augusta.
Hampden County, Mass.
Springfield is the chief town. This county is very fertile and well cultivated, and in common with all the counties on Connecticut river, it presents a rich array of delightful scenery. Its rivers afford an abun- dant water power; and this county has become noted for its various and extensive manufactures. Much inland trade is brought to the banks of the Connecticut,and large exports |