county of Norfolk, England. The : first house was erected in 1635, by Nicholas Easton, and was called the Bound-house. The town was in- corporated in 1636, and then inclu- ded within its limits what now con- stitutes the towns of North Hamp- ton, Hampton Falls, Kensington and Seabrook.
This town was formerly the scene of Indian depredations. On the 17th Aug. 1703, a party of Indians kill- ed 5 persons in Hampton, among whom was a widow Mussey, cele- brated as a preacher among the Friends.
The Hon. Christopher Top- pan died here in Feb., 1819, aged 84: he was a very useful and dis- tinguished citizen. Population in 1830, 1,103.
Hampton, Ct.
Windham co. This town was taken from Windham and Pomfret in 1786. The people are generally agriculturalists, with a good strong soil of an uneven surface. The village is pleasantly situated on high ground, 35 miles E. from Hartford aird 6 from Brooklyn. Hampton has good mill seats on a branch of Shetucket river. Population, 1830, 1,101.
Hampton Falls, N. II.,
Roekingham co., is situated 45 miles S. E. from Concord, and 16 S. W. from Portsmouth. The soil is generally good. Hampton Falls was originally a part of Hampton, from which it was separated and incorporated, in 1712. Population, 1830, 582.
Hancock County, Me.
Ellsworth is the chief town. This county is bounded N. by Penobscot county, E. by Washington county, S. by the Atlantic ocean, and W. by Penobscot bay and river, and a part by Penobscot county. Its ex- tent on the ocean is between 50 and 60 miles: it comprises numerous islands of great beauty, some of which are large, fertile and well cultivated; it comprises also nu- merous bays, and a vast number of coves, inlets and spacious harbors. |
Perhaps there is no district of its extent on the American coast, that offers greater facilities for naviga- tion, in all its various branches, than the county of Hancock. The ton- nage of Frenchman’s bay, in this county, in 1837, was 13,184 tons. The soil of the county is generally of an excellent quality, particularly in the interior. There are a great number of ponds in the county: ev- ery section of it is watered by mill streams, and Union river,' nearly in its centre, affords the interior part great facilities for transporta- tion. Thi9 county contains an area of about 1,850 square miles. Pop- ulation, 1830, 24,347; 1837,23,120. Population to a square mile, 15. This county produced, in 1837, 21,- 446 bushels of wheat, and contain- ed 38,870 sheep.
Hancock, Me.
Hancock co. This town was tak- en from Sullivan and Trenton in 1828. It is situated between those towns, and is nearly surrounded by the head waters of Frenchman’s bay. It is a place of some naviga- tion; 85 miles E. from Augusta, and bounded easterly by Ellsworth. Population, 1837, 653.
Hancock, N. H.
Hillsborough co. It is 35 miles from Concord, 22 from Amherst, and 19 from Keene. The W. part of the town is mountainous, but af- fords excellent pasturing and many good farms. The other parts of the town are agreeably diversified with plains, hills and valleys. On the Contoocook, and some of its trib- utary streams, there are several tracts of excellent intervale. There are two considerable ponds, one of which is in the centre, a few rods N. of the meeting-house. There |