Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 183
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is a cotton factory, a paper mill, and
several other manufacturing estab-
lishments here; also a flourishing
academy. Hancock was incorpora-
ted Nov. 5, 1779. It was named
after Gov. Hancock, of Boston, who
was one of the original proprietors.
The first settlement was begun in

1764. Population, 1830, 1,316.

Hancock, Vt.

Addison co. Several branches
of Otter creek rise in this town.
Hancock is wholly on the moun-
tains, and most of the land fit only
for grazing. First settled, 1778.
Population, 1830, 472. It lies 30
miles S. W. from Montpelier, and
15 S. E. from Middlebury.

Hancock, Mass*

Berkshire co. This is a moun-
tainous township, on the line of the
state of New York, the source of
the Housatonick, and the residence
of a family of 44 Shakers.” It lies
129 miles W. from Boston, 15 N.
hy W. from Lenox, and 5 E. from
New Lebanon, New York. Incor-
porated, 1776. Population, 1837,

There are one cotton and three
woolen mills in the town,-and some
manufactures of leather, boots,
shoes, iron castings, and wooden
ware. The value of 5,445 fleeces
of wool, sheared in 1837, amounted
to $11,544.

As we are so near the lovely val-
ley of New Lebanon, its tepid
springs, and a large family of our
friends, the
Shakers, we must be
permitted to cross the line a mo-
ment, 44 just to take a look.”

New Lebanon, New York, is in
the county of Columbia, and sit-
uated in a delightful valley, sur-
rounded by cultivated hills, which
present scenery greatly variegated
and peculiarly pleasing.

A community of Shakers, of be-
tween 500 and 600, own about 3,000
acres of excellent land in thi s town-
ship, which is highly improved by
this industrious, hospitable, and cu-
rious people. Their village is about
two miles southeast of the springs.

The Springs are on the side of a
hill, and are so abundant as to sup-
ply a small waterpower. The wa-
ters are tasteless, pure as crystal,
and appear to differ in no respect
from other pure mountain waters,
except in temperature, which is
always at 72°-of Fahrenheit.

This is a great resort for visitors
from all directions :—some to enjoy
the romantic scenery with which
this region abounds, and others the
benign influence of the waters. The
public resorts are well located, and
afford excellent accommodations.
New Lebanon is 134 miles W. from
Boston, 24 E. from Albany, 25 N.
E. from Hudson, 7 W. from Pitts-
field, 23 S. by W. from "Williams-
town, 156 N. hy E. from New
York, and 68 N. W. by W. from
Hartford. Ct.

Hanover, N. H.

Grafton co. The Connecticut
river separates it from Norwich,
Vermont. It is 53 miles N. W.
from Concord, and 102 from Ports-
mouth. In this town there is no
river nor any considerable stream
besides the Connecticut. Mink
brook, running in a S. W. direction,
Slate brook in a W. course, and
Goose-Pond brook in the N. E. part
of the town, are a'mong the princi-
pal streams. Neither of them is
large enough for permanent mill
privileges. There are several small
islands in Connecticut river within
the limits of Hanover, the largest
of which is Parker’s island, contain-
ing about 20 acres. There are no
natural ponds. The surface of
Hanover is agreeably diversified
with hills and valleys, and the great-
est part is suitable for farms. There
is hut a small proportion of waste
land; less, perhaps, than in any other
town in Grafton county. It is es-
timated that nearly one half is un*

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Hayward's New England Gazetteer, Eighth Edition 1839

scanned September 2010 by Tom Alciere


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