Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 184
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der improvement. Moose moun-
tain is a considerable elevation, ex-
tending across the'town from N.
to S., at the distance of about five
miles from Connecticut river. A
handsome' bridge connects the S.
W. part of the town with Norwich.
The principal village is in the S.
W. corner of the town, on a beau-
tiful and extensive plain, half a
mile from Connecticut river, and
180 feet above the level of its wa-
ters. Vegetable substances are
found in different parts of this plain
at a depth of from 50 to 80 feet.
The principal houses are erected
round a square, level area, of 12
acres. The remainder stand on
different streets, leading from the
green in all directions.

In thi3 pleasant village is located
Dartmouth College.

See Register.

Among the worthy men who
have finished their earthly career
in this place, may be mentioned
the following:

Rev. Eleazar WheeiiOck, D.

D., who died April 24, 1779, aged

Hon. John Wheelock, LL. D.,
president of the . college 35 years,
who died April 4, 1817, aged 63.

Hon. Uezaleel Woodward,
who died Aug. 1804.

Rev. John Smith, D. D., who
died April, 1S09.

Hon. John Hubbard, who died
in Sept. 1810.

Rev. Francis Brown, D. D.,
who died July 27, 1820, aged 36.
These gentlemen were all connect-
ed with the college. Population,
1330, 2,361.

Hanover, Mass.

Plymouth co. Hanover is bound-
ed S. by North river, which fur-
nishes good mill sites. It was in-
corporated in 1727. It lies 23 miles
S. E. from Boston, and 12 N. W.
from Plymouth. The manufactures
of Hanover consist of bar iron, iron
castings, anchors, ploughs, vessels,


tacks, leather, boots, shoes, and
woolen cloth : total annual amount,
about $75,000. Pop. 1S37, 1,435.

H&nson, Mass.

Plymouth co. This town is wa-
tered by a branch of North river
and several ponds. It was taken
from Pembroke in 1820, and lies in
the vicinity of large beds of excel-
lent iron ore. The manufactures
of Hanson consist of ship anchors
and knees, nails, carriage springs,
iron castings, leather, shoes, sawed
boxes and shingles: total annual
amount, about $7(),000. Population,
1837, 1,058. It lies 24 miles S. S.
E. from Boston, and 15 N. N. W.
from Plymouth.

Hardwick, Vt.

Caledonia co. Hardwick is fine-
ly watered by Lamoille river, which
gives the town valuable mill sites,
i and which are well improved for
manufacturing purposes. The soil
of the town is generally very good,
and produces a variety of exports.
Between six and seven thousand
sheep, and many other cattle, are
kept in the town, a large amount
of which are annually fattened and
sent to market.

Among the first settlers of the
town, in 1790, was Mr. Gideon Sa-
bin, whose wife became the mother
of 26 children. Population, 1330,
1,216. Hardwick lies 20 miles N.
N. E. from Montpelier, and 13 N.
W. from Danville.

Hardwick, Mass.

Worcester co. Ware river and a
smaller stream pass through the
S. part of this town, and furnish
good mill privileges. It lies 62
miles W. from Boston and 22 W. by
N. from Worcester. Incorporated,
1733. Population, 1S37, 1,818.—
There are 2 paper mills in the town,
and manufactures of straw bonnets,
palm-leaf hats, boots,shoes, ploughs,
leather, chairs and cabinet ware :
annual amount about $50,000.—


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