Clerc, himself deaf and dumb, and for several years a successful teach- er under the Abbe Sicard, Mr. Gal- laudet returned to this country in August, 1816. The Asylum had, in May preceding, been incorpora- ted by the state legislature. Some months were spent by Messrs. Gal- laudet and Clerc iD obtaining funds for the benefit of the institution, and in the spring of 1817 the Asy- lum was opened for the reception of those for whom it was designed, and the course of instruction commenced with seven pupils.
“As the - knowledge of the in- stitution extended, and the facili- ties for ‘obtaining its advantages were multiplied, the number of pu- pils increased from seven to one hundred and forty, which for seve- ral years past has not been much above the average number; and since its commencement, in lS17,to 1837, instruction has been imparted to four hundred and seventy-seven deaf and dumb persons.
“ In 1819, Congress granted the in- stitution a township of land in Ala- bama, the proceeds of which have been invested as a permanent fund. The principal building was erected in 1820, and the pupils removed to it in the spring of the following year. It is one hundred and thirty feet long, fifty feet wide, and, in- cluding the basement, four stories high. Other buildings have been subsequently erected, as the in- creasing number of pupils made it necessary; the principal of which is a dining hall and workshops for the male pupils. Attached to the institution are eight or ten acres of land, which afford ample room for exercise, and the cultivation of veg- etables and fruits for the pupils. |
“ The system of instruction adopt- ed at this institution is substantially the same as that of the French school at Paris. It has, however, been materially improved and mod- ified by Mr. Gallaudet and his as- sociates. This system, and indeed every other rational system of teaching the deaf and dumb, is bas- ed upon the natural language of signs. By this we mean those ges- tures which a deaf and dumb per- son will naturally use to express his ideas, and to make known his wants previous to instruction. These gestures and signs are rather picto- rial, that is, an exact outline of the object, delineated by the hands in the air; or descriptive, giving an idea of an object by presenting some of its prominent and striking features; or conventional, such as may have been agreed upon by a deaf and dumb person and his as- sociates. As there are very few objects which can be expressed with sufficient clearness by the de- lineation of its outline alone, a de- scriptive sign is usually connected with it. Thus, in making a sign for a book, the outline is first delin- eated by the fore finger of both hands. To this is added the descrip- tive signs of opening a book, plac- ing it before the eyes, and moving the lips as in reading. It may therefore simplify the classification of natural signs if the first two di- visions be united; and it will be sufficiently accurate to say that all the signs used by the deaf and dumb are either descriptive or conven- tional. By far the greater part of these signs belong to the former class; as it includes the signs for most common objects, actions and emotions. A deaf and dumb child constructs his language upon the same principle as the child who can hear; that of imitation.
“ In the school-room, the instruc- tor makes use of natural signs to communicate ideas to his pupils, of systematic signs to enable them to translate their own into written lan- guage ; of the manual alphabet, or signs of the hand# corresponding to the letters of the Alphabet; and of written symbols to express the grammatical relations of words.
“ The pupils usually remain at |