There are several islands in the Con- necticut in this town. On the N. line, of Hinsdale, is West river mountain, which extends from the banks of the Connecticut, E.'across the whole width of the town. Its greatest elevation is at the W. end. President Dwight states the height above low water mark to be from 800 to 900 feet. In this mountain is found iron ore, and some other min- erals and fossils. South of Ashue- lot, is Stebbins’ hill, a tract of ex- cellent land, and principally in a high state of cultivation. The in- tervales here are extensive, and of an excellent quality. On the point of a hill, not far from Con- • necticut river, there is to be seen the remains of an Indian fortifica- tion, constructed prior to the set- tlement of the town. There is a deep trench drawn across the hill, to separate it from the plain back, and is continued to the river.
Hinsdale was incorporated in 1753. It was originally a part of Northfield, and was settled as early as 1683. The.former name of this place was Fort Dummer and Bridg- man's Fort. This town encoun- tered all the difficulties of the In- dian wars, and struggled with oth- er hardships incident to frontier settlements, begun in the wilder- ness and remote from cultivated lands. Population, 1830, 937.
Hinsdale, Mass.
Berkshire co. Hinsdale is the source of a branch of Housatonick river. It is an elevated township, and well adapted for grazing.— There are two woolen mills in Hinsdale, and manufactures of boots, shoes, leather, hats, chairs, and cabinet ware : total amount in one year $86,550. The value of
11,020 fleeces of wqoI, sheared in Hinsdale in 1837, weighing 32,116 pounds, was $19,266. This town was incorporated in 1804. Popula- tion, 1837, 832. It lies 125 miles
\V. from Boston, and 15 N. N. W. from Lenox.
Hiram, Me.
Oxford co. This town lies on both sides of a branch of Saco riv- er, 86 miles W. S. W. from Augus- ta, and 40 S. W. from Paris. The township is fertile and productive of wool and wheat. Incorporated, 1807. Population, 1830, 1,148.
Hod^don, Me.
Washington co. Incorporated, 1S32: 179 miles from Augusta. In 1837, with a population .of 552, it produced 3,184 bushels of wheat. See “ Down East.”
Holden, Mass.
Worcester co. This town is fine- ly watered by branches of Black- stone and Nashua rivers. It has a valuable water power on Quinipox- et river. It has some good mead- ow land on the borders of the streams. ‘ There are 5 cotton and 2 woolen mills in the town, and manufactures of leather,boots,shoes, straw bonnets, and palm-leaf hats ; total amount of the manufactures for the year ending April 1, 1837, $201,960. Holden is 48 miles W. from Boston, and 6 N. W. from Worcester. Incorporated, 1740.— Population, 1837, 1,789.
Holderness, IV. H.
Grafton co. It is 65 miles N. W. from Portsmouth, and 40 N. from Concord. The soil is hard and not easily cultivated, but when sub- dued is tolerably productive. From the sap of the sugar maple, a con- siderable quantity of sugar is made. The Pemigewasset imparts a por- tion of its benefits to this place, and there are various other streams which serve to fertilize the soil, and to furnish mill seats. Squam river, the outlet of Squam ponds, runs in a S. W. direction and empties into the Pemigewasset near the S. W. |