Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 198
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angle of the town. This stream
affords excellent mill privileges,
having on it. 2 paper mills and oth-
er machinery. There are 3 ponds
or lakes.

The road from Plymouth through
this place to Winnepisiogee lake,
and along the borders of that lake
to Wolfeborough is highly interest-
ing ; displaying scenery which is
scarcely equalled in this part of
our country. Holderness was first
granted in 1751. The first settle-
ment was made about the year
1763. Population, 1830, 1,429.

Holland, Vt.

Orleans co. This is an excellent
township of land, producing in great
abundance all the varieties common
to the climate. Previous to the
year 1800, it was a wilderness. It
is hounded N. by Canada: 56 miles
N. N. E. from Montpelier and 20
N. E. from Irasburgh. Population,
1830, 432.

Holland, Mass.

Hampden co. Holland was tak-
en from Brimfield in 1785. It lies
70 miles S. W. by W. from Boston,
and 20 E. by S. from Springfield.
Population, 1837, 495. Holland
has several ponds, and is otherwise
watered by Quinnebaugh river.
There is a cotton mill in the town,
and 658 sheep.

Hollis, Me.

York co. This town lies on the
W. bank of Saco river, and contains
numerous mill sites. Incorporated,
1812. Population, 1837, 2,374. It
lies 72 miles S. W. from Augusta,
and 30 N. from York.

Hollis, N. H.

Hillsborough co. It is 8 miles
S. from Amherst, and 36 S. from
Concord. Nashua river waters the
S. E. part, and Nisitissit crosses
the S. W. extremity. There are 4
ponds, known by the name of
Flint’s, Penichook, Long and Rocky |
ponds. There is a pleasant village
near the centre of the town, on a
site somewhat elevated. The ori-
ginal name of Hollis was
, its Indian name. The first
settlement was made in 1731. It
was incorporated in April, 1746.—
The name is either derived from
Thomas Hollis, a distinguished ben-
efactor of Harvard college, or from
the Duke of New Castle. Popu-
lation, 1830, 1,501.

Holliston, Mass.

Middlesex co. First settled, 1710.
Incorporated, 1724. Population in
1837, 1,775. It lies 24 miles S. W.
by W. from Boston, and 21 S. from
Concord. There is a woolen mill
in the town, and some manufactures
of boots, shoes, leather, chairs and
â–  cabinet ware, combs, ploughs, straw
bonnets, books, clothing, wagons
and harnesses: total value in one
year $335,948. The value of boots
and shoes amounted to $241,626,
employing 461 hands. Holliston
is watered by a small branch of
Charles river.

Holmes’ Hole, Mass.

See Tisbury.

Hooksett, N. H.

Merrimack co. It lies nine miles
S. S. E. from Concord. The river
Merrimack, whose course here is
nearly N. and S., passes through
this town a little W. of the centre.
Here are those beautiful falls,known
by the name of Hooksett Falls.—
The descent of water is about 16
feet perpendicular in 80 rods. A
high rock divides the stream, and a
smaller rock lies between that and
the western shore. There is a
pleasant village on the W. side of
the rurer. There is a strong and
well built bridge over Merrimack
river, ftooksett canal is in this
town. It is 1-4 of a mile long—the
fall is 16 feetperpendicular. Hook-
sett was detached from Chester,
Goffstown and Dunbarton, and in-


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