corporated as a separate town in June, 1822. On the E. side of the river is an extensive cotton factory, owned by the Amoskeag Company. Population, 1830,880.
Hoosack River and Mountain.
Two branches of the Hoosack, Hosick, or Hoosick river, rise in New England : one in the high lands in the county of Berkshire, Mass.; the other in the mountain- ous tracts of Bennington county, Vt. These branches unite near Hoosack Falls, in the state of New York, about 3 miles W. of the cel- ebrated Bennington battle ground. Hoosack river meets the Hudson at Schagthicoke, 15 miles N. of Troy, N. Y. This stream, in many places, is exceedingly rapid in its course, and affords a great number of mill sites.
Hoosack mountain lies princi- pally in Clarksburgh and Berkshire, Mass., and is the source of a branch of Hoosack river. Its elevation is from 1,500 to 2,000 feet from its base.
Hope, Me.
Waldo co. Hope is a township of choice land, having Camden and Megunticook lake on its south-east- ern border. It lies 44 miles E. S. E. from Augusta, and 16 S. by W. from Belfast. Hope produced in 1837, 3,142 bushels of wheat. Pop- ulation, same year, 1,733. Incor- porated, 1804.
Hopkinton, N. H. |
Merrimack co. It is 2S miles N. from Amherst, 7 W. from Concord, 46 N. E. from Keene, 30 S. E. from Newport, 50 W. from Portsmouth, and 65 N. N. W. from Boston. Con- toocook river flows from Henniker into the south-westerly part of this town, and meanders in a N. E. di- rection. In its course it receives Warner and Blackwater rivers, and several large brooks, and empties into Merrimack river at Concord. On these streams are some valuable tracts of intervale and meadow lands. The principal village in Hopkinton is 7 miles from the state-house in Concord. In this town the county jail is located. In the W. part of the town is a thriving village on the Contoocook river, known as HilVs Bridge, or Contoocookville, where is a valuable water power, and several mills. Hopkinton was granted Jan. 16,1735, to John Jones and others, and was called .Number 5, and afterwards New-Hopkinton. The first settlement was made about 1740, by emigrants from Hopkinton, Mass. This town suffered from In- dian depredations. Population in 1830, 2,474.
Hopkinton, Mass.
Middlesex county. Branches of Charles and Mill rivers rise in this town, on which are manufacturing establishments. There are 3 cot- ton mills in Hopkinton, and manu- factures of boots and shoes, ($152,- 300,) leather, ploughs, and straw bonnets : total value, the year end- ing April 1, 1837, $217,550. The town was incorporated in 1715. Population, 1830, 1,809 ; 1837,
The mineral spring in this town has become celebrated. It con- tains carbonic acid, and carbonate of lime and iron. It is situated near White Hall pond, which abounds in fine fish of various kinds. The Boston and Worcester rail road passes within 3 1-2 miles of it, at Westborough, and it is 7 miles from the Blackstone canal, at North- bridge. It is 30 miles W. S. W. from Boston, 14 E. by S. from Wor- cester, and SO N. by W. from Pro- vidence, R. I. There is a large and convenient hotel at this place, at which visitors for health or plea- sure are kindly entertained. A trip to Hopkinton springs is both plea- sant and fashionable. |