tlie runs from the mountains that environ its borders, inundate the va’flieys and greatly fertilize the soil. The scenery on the Housatonick is exceedingly beautiful; in some places it is enchanting. The roman- tic cataract at Canaan, Conn., of 60 feet perpendicular, is well worthy the notice of travellers. The In- dian name of this river, signifies over the mountains. A vocabula- ry of Indian names, so beautiful and expressive, would be not only cu- rious but valuable.
Howland, Me*
Penobscot co. This is a large township of good land, in which the Piscataquis and Seboois rivers form a junction : at the mouth of the for- mer, about 50 rods from the Penob- scot, are several saw mills. The banks of the river are low and ve- ry beautiful. Howland was incor- porated in 1826. It Ires 117 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 84 N. from Bangor. Population, 1830, 329; 1837, 507.
Hubbardston, Vt*
Rutland co. Elizabeth Hickok, the daughter of Elizabeth and Uriah Hickok, was the first white child born in this town. This event oc- curred in 1774. The face of the town is uneven, and in some parts mountainous. It is watered by se- veral ponds, the largest of which, lying partly in Sudbury, is Grego- ry’s pond, the outlet of which is called Hubbardston river. This river empties into Lake Champlain at West Haven, and is an excellent mill stream. The village at the northwesterly part of the town is pleasant and flourishing: it con- tains mills for the manufacture of various articles.
Hubbardston lies 50 miles S. W. from Montpelier, and 10 N. W. from Rutland. Population^ 1830, 865.
Hubbardston, Mass* |
Worcester co. Hubbardston is on elevated ground, and the source of several branches of Ware river. There is much unimproved water power in the town. There are con- siderable tracts of valuable mead- ow land,' and the uplands are good for grazing. It was incorporated in. 1767. Population, 1837, 1,780. The manufactures of the town con- sist of copperas, leather, boots,shoes, palm-leaf hats, chairs, cabinet and wooden wares. Hubbardston lies 54 miles W. from Boston, and 22 S. from Worcester.
Hudson, IV. H.
Hillsborough co. This town lies 17 miles S. E. from Amherst, and 38 S. from Concord. The land here is of easy cultivation. On the river are fine intervales, of a deep rich soil. Distant from the river, the land is hilly and somewhat broken. There are two ponds, known by the name of Little Massabesick, and Otternick ponds. This town was included in the grant of Dunstable, and was settled as early as 1710. The first settlements were made on the banks of the river, where the Indians had cleared fields for culti- vating corn. The first inhabitants lived in garrisons. While the men were abroad in the fields and forests, the women and children were lodg- ed in these places of security. Near the Indian cornfields have been found cinders of a blacksmith’s forge, which have led to the con- jecture that they employed a smith to manufacture their implements of war and agriculture. Incorporated, 1746, by tbe name of Nottingham- West, which it retained until July 1, 1830, when it was changed to Hudson. Population in 1830, 1,282.
Hull, Mass.
Plymouth co. Hull was first set- tled about the year 1625. Incor- porated, 1644. Population, 1837, 180. This town comprises the pen- insula of Nantasket, which fprms the S. E. side of Boston harbor. It |