cultivated, and beautifully varie- gated. There is a cotton mill in the town, and a number of vessels are engaged in the coasting trade and fishery. The manufactures consist of cotton goods, hosiery, vessels, leather, boots, shoes, chairs, and cabinet ware :—total annual amount, about $120,000. Ipswich is 12 miles N. by E. from Salem, 10 S. from Newburyport, and 26 N. E. by N. from Boston. - First settled, 1633. Incorporated, 1634. Population, 1820, 2,553: 1837, 2,- 855.
Ira, Vt.
Rutland co. This township is elevated: it contains good land for rearing cattle: it has about 5,000 sheep. . Castleton river and Ira brook wash a part of the town, but afford no valuable mill privileges. Ira lies 60 miles S. S. W. from Montpelier^ and 8 S. W. from Rut- land. Population, 1830, 442.
Xrasburgb, Vt.
Shire town of Orleans county. This township was granted to Ira Allen and others, in 1781. It was first settled in 1799. Population, 1830, 860. It lies 40 miles N. hy E. from Montpelier, and 30 N. by W. from Danville. The surface of the town is undulating, with an easy soil to cultivate, and general- ly fertile. 'Black and Barton riv- ers water the town, but move too sluggishly to produce any valuable power.
Isinglass River, N. H.,
. Takes its rise from Long pond in Barrington, and Bow pond in Strafford, and, after receiving the waters of several other ponds, unites with the Cocheco near the S. part of Rochester.
Isles of Shoals.
These islands, - 8 miles from the mouth of Portsmouth harbor, N. H. are seven in number, vizt Hog, |
Smutty Nose, Star, Duck, White, Malaga, and Londonner islands. Hog contains 350 acres of rock, and its greatest elevation is 57 feet above high water mark. Smutty Nose contains about 250 acres of rock and soil—greatest elevation 45 feet. Star island contains about 180 acres of rock and soil, and its height is 55 feet. These islands, as a town, are calle'd Gosport. Star and Smutty Nose are inhabited by fishermen, who carry on considerable business in their way; supplying Portsmouth and the neighboring towns with fresh fish, and sending large quan- tities of cured fish to Boston and other places. The celebrated dun fish are -found here, which have heretofore been considered a dis- tinct species of the cod. They differ however frorh the common cod only in the circumstance of their being caught and cured in winter. Star island and Smutty Nose are connected by a seawall, built at the expense pf government, for the purpose of breaking a strong south east current passing between them, and forming a safe anchor- age on the north west side of it. These objects have been attained, and the miniature fleet of the Shoal- ers, riding at anchor in this artifi- cial harbor, is no unpleasant sight. Smutty Nose and Malaga are con- nected by a sea wall, built at the expense of Mr. Haley, “ the King of the Shoals.” This wall, 14 rods in length, 13 feet in height, and from 20 to 30 feet in width, effec- tually secures Haley’s inlet and wharf from the easterly storms, although the waves not unfrequent- ly break over it in a severe storm. These islands are composed of ledges of gneiss, bearing evidence of their igneous origin, as they are often traversed by veins of quartz, trap, and iron stone.
There are a few spots of dry soil upon them under cultivation. The Shoals are a pleasant resort for water parties, and their delightful |