bracing air, cannot be otherwise than advantageous to those who are in want of pure sea breezes. The present population is about 100.
These islands were discovered by the celebrated John Smith, in 1614, and were named by him Smith’s Isles. The line between Maine and New Hampshire passes through these- islands, leaving the largest on the side of Maine. Up- on all of them are chasms in the rocks, having the appearance of being caused by earthquakes. The most remarkable is on Star island, (Gosport) in which one Betty Moody secreted herself when the Indians visited the island and took away many female captives; and thence called to this day “ Betty .Moody’s hole.” For more than a century previous to the revolution, these islands were populous, containing from 300 to 600 souls. They had a court-house on Haley’s island; a meeting-house, first on Hog isl- and, and afterwards on Star island. From 3 to 4 thousand quintals fish were annually caught and cured here, and 7 or 8 schooners, besides numerous boats, were employed in the business. The business has since very greatly decreased.
William Pepperell and a Mr. Gib- bons, from Topsham, England, were among the first settlers at the Shoals; the former an ancestor of the cele- brated Sir William Pepperell.
A woman, of the name of Pul- sey, died in Gosport, in 1795, aged 90. In her life time she kept two cows. The hay on which they fed in winter, she used to cut in summer, among the rocks, with a knife, with her own hands. Her cows, it was said, were always in good order. They were taken from her, but paid for, by the British, in 1775, and killed, to the no small grief of the good old woman.
Islesborougli, Me.
Waldo co. This town comprises a large and fertile island, in Penob-
scot bay, and several islands in its vicinity. This island has excellent harbors, and is much frequented by fishermen and coasters. The inhab- itants are' independent farmers and fishermen, who are accustomed to render their insular situation a place of comfort to the wayfarer, or the invalid in pursuit of ocean breezes. Islesfiorough lies 10 miles S. E. from Belfast, and 56 E. from Augusta. Incorporated, 1789.— Population, 1837, 674.
Israel's River, N. H.,
Coos co., is formed by the waters which descend in cataracts from tbe summits of Mounts Adams and Jef- ferson, and running N. W. it passes through Randolph and Jefferson, discharging itself into the Connec- ticut near the centre of Lancaster. It is a beautiful stream, and receiv- ed its name from Israel Glines, a hunter, who with his brother fre- quented these regions, long before the settlement of the county.
Jackson, Me.
Waldo co. An interior township of good land that produced, in 1837, 4,898 bushels of as fine wheat as can he raised in Tennessee. Pop- ulation, same year, 523. Jackson is 49 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 15 N. N. W. from Belfast. Incor- porated, 1818.
Jackson, N. II.,
Coos co., situated on ihe E. side of the White mountains. The sur- face of the town is uneven, but the soil is rich and productive. It is watered principally by the two branches of Ellis’ river, passing from the N. and uniting on the S. border near Spruce mountain.— The principal elevations are called Black, Baldface, and Thorn moun- tains. Benjamin Copp was the first settler; he moved into Jackson in 1779, and with his family buffeted the terrors of tbe wilderness four- |