Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 205
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teen years, before any other person
settled there. The town was in-
corporated December 4, 1800, by
the name of
Adams, which name
it retained until 1829, when it was
changed to Jackson. Population,
in 1830, 515.

Jaffrey, N« II.

Cheshire co. This town lies 62
miles N. W. from Boston, and 40 S.
W. by S. from Concord. The Grand
Monadnock is situated in the N. W.
part of this town and in Dublin.
Innumerable streams of water issue
from the mountain. Those which
issue from the western side dis-
charge themselves into the Con-
necticut river; those from the east-
ern form the head waters of Con-
toocook river. The largest stream
rises about 100 rods from the sum-
mit, and descends in a S. E. direc-
tion. With this brook, the thirsty
and fatigued visitors of the moun-
tain associate the most pleasing re-
collections. The uneven soil of
Jaffrey, affording numerous mead-
ows, and early and rich pastures,
is peculiarly adapted to raising cat-
tle. There are several ponds in
this town. Out of 3, issue streams
sufficient to carry mills erected near
their outlets. In the largest, which
is 400 rods long, and 140 wide, is
an island comprising about 10 acres.
About 1 1-2 miles S. E. from the
mountain is the “ Monadno.ck mine-
ral spring.” The spring is slightly
impregnated with carbonate of iron
and sulphate of soda. It preserves
so uniform a temperature as never
to have been known to freeze.
Where the spring issues from the
earth, yellow ochre is thrown out.
In this town are a cotton and wool-
en factory, and various mills. The
first permanent settlement was made
in 1758. Jaffrey was incorporated
in 1773, receiving its name from
George Jaffrey, Esq.,of Portsmouth,
one of the original proprietors. Pop-
ulation in 1830, 1,354.

Jamaica, Vt.

Windham co. West river waters
this town, and gives good mill seats.
At a pleasant village near the cen-
tre of the town are valuable man-
ufacturing establishments. The sur-
face of the town is very uneven;
in some parts mountainous, but the
soil is generally good and produc-
tive. Lime-stone of a good quality
is found here. Jamaica was first
settled in 1780. Population, 1830,
1,523. It lies 90 miles S. from
Montpelier, and 14 N. W. from

Jamestown, R. I.

Newport co. This town compris-
Connanicut, a beautiful island
in Narraganset bay, about 8 miles
in length: its average breadth is
about a mile. The soil is a rich
loam, and peculiarly adapted for
grazing and the production of In-
dian corn and barley.

The inhabitants of this island are
remarkable for their industry and
agricultural skill, which, united
with the fertility of the soil and the
location of the island, renders it a
delightful place. The distance from
the town or island to Newport and
South Kingston is about a mile each
way ; to each of those places a fer-
ryis established. The island was
purchased of the Indians in 1657.
Jamestown was incorporated in
1678. Population, 1830, 415.

Jay, Me.

Franklin co. Jay lies at a bend
of Androscoggin river, 29 miles W.
by N. from Augusta, and 12 S. S. W.
from Farmington. There is much
valuable land in Jay. The inhab-
itants are principally farmers, and
cultivate the soil with much indus-
try. The town produced, in 1837,
8,129 bushels of wheat, and con-
siderable wool. Population, 1830,
1,276; 1S37, 1,685. Incorporated,


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