Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 207
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rier of rocks, which extends across
the river. The arch is of solid
rock, is about eight feet wide-, and
at low water is passed over by
footmen with safety. The water
rises below through numerous aper-
tures, exhibiting the appearancg o.f
the boiling of a pot.

The surface of thi3 township is
uneven, being thrown into ridges,
which are covered with hemlock,
spruce and hard wood. The soil is
a dark, or yellow loam, mixed with
a light sand, is easily tilled, and'
very productive. The alluvial flats
are considerably extensive,but back
from the river the lands are, in
some parts rather stony. In the
northeastern part has been discov-
ered a quantity of soapstone.

The village, in Johnson, is very
pleasant, and contains a-number of
mills, for the manufacture of vari-
ous articles. Johnson lies 28 miles
N. by W. from Montpelier, and 6
N.W. from Hyde Park. Popula-
tion, 1830, 1,079.

Johnston, R. I.

Providence co. This town lies
5 miles W. from Providence, from
which it was taken in 1759. It is
pleasantly variegated by hills and
vales, with a soil adapted to the cul-
ture of corn and barley, and par-
ticularly to all sorts of vegetables
and fruits, of which large quantities
are annually sent to Providence
market. The quarries of freestone
in Johnston are valuable ; they sup-
ply the wants, not only of the city
and immediate'vicinity, but distant
places, with that useful material.
The Wonasquatucket and Pochasset
rivers with their tributary streams
give this town a good hydraulic pow-
er. Beautiful manufacturing vil-
lages are scattered along the banks
of these waters, presenting to the
eye of the. traveller the pleasant
union of our agricultural and man-
ufacturing interests. Population,
1S30, 2,113.

Joneshorongh, Me.

Washington co. This town has
Chandler’s river and the head of
Englishman’s bay on the E., Jones-
port bn the S., and the town of Ad-
dison on the W. Incorporated, 1809.
Population, 1837, 435. It lies 134
miles E. by N. from Augusta, and
12 S. W. from Machias.

Jonesport, Me.

Washington co. Taken from Jones-
borough in 1836, and is bounded X.
by Jonesborough, E. by English-
man’s bay, S. by Mispeeky reach,
and W. by Addison bay and har-
bor. This place has an excellent
harbor, and is finely located for ship
building, the fisheries and coasting
'trade. It lies 138 miles E. by N.
from Augusta, and 16 S. W. from
Machias. Population, 1837, 581
Beal and Head islands lie off S.
from Jonesport.

Judith. Point, R. I.

A ,noted headland in South Kings-
ton, 11 miles S. S.W. from Newport,
in N. lat. 41° 24', W. Ion. 71° 35'.
A light-house was erected here in
1810, the tower of which is 35 feet
in height. This point opens to the
ocean about midway between Vine-
yard and Long Island Sounds.—
When off this place, travellers tm-
accustomed to the sea frequently
experience some little inconveni-
ence for a few miles. From tbi3
light, Montauk, on Long Island,
bears about S. W. 30 miles, and Gay
Head, on Martha’s Vineyard, about
E. by S., 35 miles.

KatalidLn. Mountain, Me.

This celebrated mountain, the
greatest elevation in the state, lies
between the eastern and western
branches of Penobscot river, in the
county of Piscataquis, about eighty
miles N. N. W. from Bangor, and
120 N. N. E. from Augusta. Dr.
Jackson has ascertained its height


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