Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 208
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to be 5,800 feet above the level of
the sea. The Indians had a notion
that this mountain was the abode
of supernatural beings. It is steep
and rugged, and stands in almost
solitary grandeur. It may be seen
in a clear day from Bangor. Those
who have visited its summit pro-
nounce the scenery unrivalled in

Kearsarge Mountain, N. H.,

In the county of Merrimack, sit-
uated between the towns of Sutton
and Salisbury, extending into both
towns* The line ^between Wilmot
and Warner passes over the sum-
mit. Kearsarge is elevated 2,461
feet above the level of the sea, and
is the highest mountain in Merri-
mack county. Its summit is now
a bare mass of granite, presenting
an irregular and broken surface;
the sides are covered with a thick
growth of wood. The prospect from
this mountain, in a clear sky, is
very wide and beautiful.

Keene, N. II.,

Chief town of Cheshire co., is one
of the most flourishing towns in
N.H. It is 80 miles W. N. W. from
Boston, 60 S. from Dartmouth col-
legers S. S. E. from Windsor, Vt.,
40 W. from Amherst, and 55 W. S.
W. from Concord. The soil is of va-
rious kinds and generally good.

Ashuelofc river has its source in a
pond in Washington, and discharges
itself into the Connecticut, at Hins-
dale, 20 miles distant from Keene.
Keene has been called one of the
“ prettiest villages” in New Eng-
land; and president Dwight, in his
travels, pronounces it one of the
pleasantest inland towns he had
seen. The principal village is sit-
uated on a flat, E. of the Ashuelot,
nearly equidistant from that and the
upland. It is particularly entitled
to notice for the extent, width, and
uniform level, of its streets. The
main street, extending one mile in
a straight line, is almost a perfect
level, and is well ornamented with
trees. The buildings are good and
well arranged; some of them are
elegant. Keene is a place of con-
siderable business. It has 2 glass
houses, a woolen factory, iron found-
ry, and many other valuable manu-
facturing establishments. Its first
settlement commenced about the
year 1734, by Jeremiah Hall and
others. Its original name was
per Askuelot.
It was incorporated
with its present name, April II,
1753, which is derived from Sir
Benjamin Keene, British minister
at Spain, and contemporary with
Gov. B. Wentworth.

In 1736 the settlement had so
increased, that a meeting-house was
erected and in two years after, a
minister was settled. But the usual
scourge, which attended the fron-
tier settlements, visited this town.
In 1745 the Indians killed Josiah
Fisher, a deacon of the church:
in 1746, they attacked the fort, the
only protection of the inhabitants.
They were, however, discovered
by Capt. Ephraim Dorman in sea-
son to prevent their taking it.—
He was attacked by two Indians,
but defended himself successfully
against them, and reached the fort.
An action ensued, in which John
Bullard was killed; Mrs. M’Ken-
ney, who being out of the fort, was
stabbed and died; and Nathan Blake
taken prisoner, carried to Canada,
where he remained two years. Mr.
Blake afterwards returned to Keene,
where he lived till his death,in 1811,
at the age of 99 years and 5 months.
When he was 94 he married a wid-
ow of 60. The Indians burnt all the
buildings in the settlement, includ-
ing the meeting-house. The in-
habitants continued in the fort un-
til April, 1747, when the town was
abandoned. In 1758 they return-
ed, and re-corr.menced their settle-4
ments. In 1755 the Indians again
attacked the fort. Their number
was great, and the onset violent,
but the vigilance and courage of


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