Capt. Syms successfully defended it. After burning several build- ings, killing cattle, &c., they with- drew. They again invaded the town, but with little success.
Col. Isaac ,Wyman, an active and influential man, marched the first detachment of men from this town, in the war of the revolution, and was present at the battle of Breed’s Hill. Population, in 1830, 2,374.
Kenduskeag Stream, Me.
This stream rises in Dexter and Garland, and after meandering very circuitously through Corinth, Le- vant and Dutton, it falls into the Penobscot river, at the centre of the city of Bangor. This is a valu- able mill stream; it has numerous tributaries; its banks are fertile, romantic and beautiful.
Kennebec River, Me.
The first source of this import- ant river is Moose Head lake, of‘ which it is the outlet. From thence it passes in a S. W. course nearly 20- miles, where it receives the wa- ters of Dead river ; it then proceeds S. to Starks, about 40 miles, where it receives the waters of the Sandy : here it changes its course easterly, about 12 miles, passing Nerridge- wock and Skowhegan: it then again changes its course to the S. till it receives the waters of the Sebasti- cook, about 15 miles: it continues to descend in nearly a S. course to Hallowell, about 20 miles; here it inclines to the E. a few miles, I and then resuming a S. course, and passing through Merryraeeting bay, where it receives the Androscog- gin-river, it passes Bath and meets the ocean. The whole length of this river, from Moose Head lake to the sea, is about 150 miles. The tributaries already named are the most considerable ; but there are many others that would be con- sidered important rivers in other sections of country. The whole fall of this river is more than. 1,000 feet, and its hydraulic power, with that of its tributaries, is incalculable. |
We are enabled to state that the average, or mean time, of the clos- ing of this river by ice, at Hallow- ell, for 45 successive, years, was December 12th, and of its opening, April 3d. The most remarkable years were, 1792, when the riv- er closed November 4th, and open- ed April 1st, the following year; and 1831, when it closed January 10th, and opened April 13th, 1832. Since the year 1786 the Kennebec has not -been obstructed by ice in any spring after the 20th of April.
Kennebec County, Me*
Augusta is the shire town. This county is bounded N. by Franklin, Somerset, and Penobscot counties', E. by Waldo and a part of -Lincoln counties, S. by Lincoln county, and W. by Oxford county. This county is watered by numerous ponds and rivers, but principally by the noble Kennebec, which passes nearly through its centre, from which the name of the county is derived. The face of the county is undulating, cot hilly; its soil is of a superior quality, producing, in great abund- ance, all the variety of grasses, grains, vegetables and fruits com- mon to its climate. The union of hydraulic power with navigable waters, which this county enjoys; its fertility, locality, and other nat- ural advantages., render it a highly favored section of our country.— Area, about 1,050 square miles. In 1S37 this county contained 101,238 sheep, and produced 186,876 bush- els of wheat. Population, 1837,62,- 375: 59 inhabitants to a square mile.
Kennebunk, Me.
York co. This town is situated on the S. W. side of the Kenne- bunk river, and is regarded as one of the pleasantest towns in New England. Population, 1837, 2,343. In former years the business of the |