Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 210
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town was mostly of a commercial
character, there being a large num-
ber of vessels, owned here, which
were engaged in the West. India
trade. But this trade is now near-
ly abandoned, and the navigation is
engaged in the freighting, coasting,
and fishing business. ’Shipbuild-
ing has been carried on here to a
great extent, for about seventy
years, and some of the finest ships
in the country have been built in
this place within the last few years.
There is one large cotton factory in
operation, and other privileges for
large manufacturing establishments
on the Kennebunk, and the Mou-
sum, a pleasant stream which meets
the ocean in this town. Kenne-
bunk is a port of entry: tonnage of
the district, in 1837, fi*,964 tons.
Incorporated, 1820. It lies 80 miles
S. W. from Augusta, 25 S. W. from
Portland, and 15 N. N. E. from

Kennebunk Port, Me.,

York co., is situated on the N.
E. side of the Kennebunk river.
This town was formerly .extensive-
ly engaged in the West India trade,
but its navigation is now employed
in the freighting, coasting, and fish-
ing business. The extensive gran-
ite j^uarries here are likely to be-
come a source of considerable busi-
ness. The stone, hearing a strong
resemblance to the Quincy, finds
a ready market where granite is
made use of in building. Thirty
years ago, this town, and Kenne-
bunk, on the opposite side of the
river, were the most active and busy
ports in Maine; but the tide of
emigration has carried off most of
the young men, leaving a surplus
of girls; so that whatever activity
there now is in the place, is of a
domestic character, not creating
that noise and bustle incident to the
operations of the other sex. Ken-
nebunk Port lies about 4 miles N.
E. from Kennebunk. This town
and Kennebunk are much united in
maritime pursuits, and both enjoy
a good harbor for shipping. Popu-
lation, 1837, 2,730.

Kensington, N. H.,

Rockingham co., is 45 miles N.
from Boston, 15 S. W. from Ports-
mouth, and 40 S. E. from Concord.
T.his town has no streams of any
mote; .its surface is pretty even.
Kensington was settled at an early
period, and was originally a part of
Hampton, from which it was de-
tached in 1737. Population, 1830,

Kent County, R. I.

- East Greenwich is the county
tqwn., Kent county is bounded N.
by Providence county, E. by Pro-
vidence bay, S. by Washington
county, and W. by the state of Con-
necticut. The surface of the coun-
ty is generally rough and.uneven:
in the eastern part are tracts of le-
vel land. The soil is either a gra-
velly or sandy loam, and very pro-
ductive of Indian grain, rye, fruits,
and vegetables. The grazing busi-
ness is extensively pursued in this
. county. The Pawtuxet and Flat
rivers are the principal, but a num-
ber of large ponds produce smaller
streams in abundance. The manu-
facturing interests of this county,
particularly of cotton and wool, are
very extensive, and probably pur-
sued with as much spirit and suc-
cess as in any portion of the state.
Some navigation is employed on the
bay in the Coasting trade and fish-
ery. Kent county comprises £n
area of 188 square miles. Popula-
tion, 1820, 10,228; 1830, 12,789.
Population to a square mile, 69.

Kent, Ct.

Litchfield co. First settled, 173S.
Incorporated, 1739. Population,
1830, 2,001. Kent is 50 miles W.
from Hartford, 50 N. W. from New
Haven, and 15 W. from Litchfield.
This is a mountainous township,
with some fine land on the banks


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