tile and productive. Wheat crop, 1837, 5,421 hushels. Le-eds was incorporated in 1802. It lies 30 miles W. S. W. from Augusta.— Population, 1837, 1,-743.
Leicester, Vt.
Addison co. Leicester is water- ed by a river of its own name, by Otter creek, and by a part of lake Dunmore. These waters are too sluggish to afford the town much water power. The soil is a sandy loam, interspersed with some flats of clay. Along the rivers the soil is rich and productive. The high lands are hard and fit for grazing.
.. About 4,000 sheep are kept here. Leicester lies 36 miles S. W. from Montpelier, and 10 S. by E. from Middlebury. First settled, 1773. Population, 1830, 63S.
Leicester, Mass*
Worcester co. This town is on the height of ground between Bos- ton harbor and Connecticut river. It lies .46 miles W. from Boston, 6 W. S. W. from Worcester, 42 E. S. E. from Northampton, and 44 N. W. from Providence. It was first set- tled in 1713, and incorporated about the year 1721. Its Indian name was Towtaid. Population, 1837, 2,122. This town is well watered hy French river, and branches of the Connecticut and Blackstone, which rise here, and afford mill sites for numerous manufactories.
Leicester Academy was founded in 1784. It has considerable funds, commodious buildings, and is highly respectable. It accommodates 100 pupils throughout the year.
The surface of the town is uneven with a strong, deep soil. There are 5 woolen mills in the town, and manufactures of machines, hand cards, machine cards, chairs, cabi- net ware, scythes, leather, boots and shoes: total value the year ending April 1, 1837, $531,939.
A society of Jews built a syna- gogue, and resided here from 1777 to |
1783. They were much esteemed.
The families of Denny, Earle and Henshaw, have been numerous in Leicester, and highly respectable.
Lcmmington, Vt*
Essex co. A mountainous town- ship, on the \V. side of Connecticut river, with a small portion of inter- vale. There are several brooks in the town, and a beautiful cascade of 50 feet. There is a mountain in the town called “ the Monadnock of Vermont,” from which may be discovered that this town, general- ly, is not fit for cultivation. It lies 64 miles N. E. from Montpelier, and 24 N. from Guildhall. Popu- lation,. 1830, 183.
Lempster, N. II*
Sullivan co. It is 40 miles W. from Concord. The surface is, in general, uneven, and the eastern part js mountainous. The soil is moist, and better suited for grass than grain. The town is well watered, although its streams are small. One branch of Sugar river, and the S. and W. branches of Cold river afford conveniences for water machinery.' Near the W. bound- ary line is a pond 320 rods long and 80 wide- Sand pond lies in this town and Marlow. Lempster was granted 1761. It was settled about 1770, by emigrants from Con- necticut. Population, in 1830, 999.
Lenox, Me*
See “ Down East.”
Lenox, Mass.
Berkshire co. Shire town. This is an excellent township of land, watered by Housatonick river, and surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. It lies 130 miles W. from Boston, 25 N. E. from Hudson, N. Y,, and 55 N. W. from Hartford, Ct. Lenox is accommodated with a water power, and contains mines of rich iron ore, and quarries of beautiful marble. There are some |