manufactures of iron, leather, mar- ble, &c., in the town, but agricul- ture is the chief pursuit of the in- habitants. Incorporated, 1767. Pop- ulation, 1837, 1,277.
Leominster, Mass.
Worcester co.- A beautiful town, of an excellent'soil, and great wa- ter power, on both sides of a prin- cipal branch of Nashua river, 42 miles N. W. from Boston, and--20 N. from Worcester. This town was taken from Lancaster in 1740, and shared with that town in -the suffer- ings occasioned by Indian hostility. The manufactures of Leominster, for the year ending April 1, 1837, exclusive of the product of 5 paper mills, was $111,$05. The articles manufactured were leather, boots, shoes, hats," axes, chairs, cabinet ware, combs, tin ware,- straw bon- nets, palm-leaf hats, chaises, car- riages, and harnesses. Population, 1037, 1,944.
A rich alum rock has been found in this town which is said to be a decomposed mica slate. It con- tains an abundance of beautiful plumose, or feather form alum, like that of Milo, one of the Grecian isles, mixed with the green crys- tals of copperas, or sulphate of iron.
Levant, Me.
Penobscot co. This town lies principally on the j§. W. side of Kenduskeag stream, by which and its tributaries it is well watered. The soil is good and productive.— The wheat crop of 1837 was 3,432 hushels. Levant lies 78 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 10 N. W. from Bangor. Incorporated, 1813. Pop- ulation, 1830, 747; 1837, 1,081.
Leverett, Mads.
Franklin co. A good grazing town, on high ground, 8-5 miles W. N. W. from Boston,, and 10 S. E. from Greenfield. The town is wa- tered by Roaring brook, a rapid stream, on which is a cascade, and some wild scenery, worthy of the traveler’s notice. Incorporated, |
1774. Population, 1837, 902.
Lewiston, Me.
Lincoln co. Lewiston lies on the E. side of Androscoggin river, at the falls. The waters of that river descend 47 feet in the distance of 12 to 15 rods, and produce a valu- able hydraulic power. The town extends on the river about 13 miles, and is connected with Minot by a bridge, at the foot of the falls, of 1*000 feet in length. This is a town- ship of good land, with some manu- factures of woolen and cotton goods, and a number of saw mills. Wheat crop, 1837, 1,920 bushels. Incor- porated, 1795. Population, 1830, 1,549; 1837, 1,737. Lewiston is 28 miles S. W. from Augusta, 34 N. by E. from Portland, and 25 N. W. from Bath.
Lexington, Me.
Somerset co. This town lies 57 miles from Augusta. Population, 1837, 457. Wheat crop, same year, 2,346 bushels. See “ Down East.”
Lexington, Mass.
Middlesex co. This pleasant town lies 10 miles N. W. from Boston, and 7 E. from Concord. Incorpo- rated, 1712. Population, 1837, 1,622. There ar.e some excellent farms in this town, large tracts of meadow on some of the branches of the Shawsheen, which rise here, and some valuable woodland. The manufactures consist of boots, shoes, caps, clocks, cabinet ware, and cal- ico printing: annual value, about $100,000.
Lexington will ever he an inter- esting place, as here the first blood was shed in the cause of American Independence. “ A detachment of British soldiers were sent at day- light on the morning of the 19th of April, 1775, to take or destroy a quantity of military stores collected at Concord. They were under the |