Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 220
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command of Col. Smith and Maj.
Pitcairn. On reaching this place,
a militia company were exercis-
ing on the common. A British offi-
cer rode up and ordered them to
disperse, but not being instantly
obeyed, he discharged his pistol
and. ordered his men to fire, which
they did, and eight of the Ameri-
cans fell dead on the spot! The
militia retreated, and the British
proceeded to Concord, and in pant
succeeded in destroying the stores,
but were so harassed on their re-
turn, that they would inevitably
have been cut off, had they not
been met at this place by a strong
detachment of artillery under,Lord
Percy. The party suffered ex-
tremely by the fire of the Ameri-
cans, aimed with deadly effect from
the buildings, 'trees, and fences;
and left 65 killed, and had ISO
wounded. The Americans had 50
killed and 34 wounded. There is
a monument on the spot where (he
first victims fell, to perpetuate the
memory of the slain, and of this

Leyden, Mass.

Franklin co. Leyden is watered
by Green river and several small
streams. It is 100 miles N. W. from
Boston, and 7 N. by W. from Green-
field. It is a mountainous town-
ship, more fit for grazing than till-
age. The number of sheep in the
town, in 1837, was 3,142; their
fleeces weighed 9,326 pounds; val-
ue of the wool, $5,129. The town
was incorporated in 1809. Popu-
lation, 1837, 656.

There is a romantic spot in Ley-
den, called
the Glen,” a curious
place, worth -looking at.

Liberty, Me.

Waldo co. This town is 29 miles
E. from Augusta, and 18 W. S. W.
from Belfast. It is watered by
large ponds and small streams. The
soil is good and produced, in 1837,
2,022 bushels of wheat. Incorpo-
rated, 1827. Population, 1837, 804.

A short time since a pine tree
was cot in Liberty, which mcasur-
.ed 7 feet in diameter, at the stump.
It had three branches. The tree
was sound, and 10,610 feet of square
edged boards were made from it.

Limerick, Me.

York co. Little Ossipee river
waters this town. It lies 28 miles
W. from Portland, 85 S. W. from
Augusta, .and 15 N. by W. from
Alfred. This is a good farming
town, with a pleasant village, and
an academy, incorporated in 1812.
The town was incorporated in 1787
Population, 1837, 1,484.

Liming ton, Hie.

York co. This town is bounded
on the S. by Limerick, and is wa-
tered by Saco river on the S. and
W. The town has a good soil, very
productive of hay, wheat and other
grain. It lies 89 miles S. W. from
Augusta, and 28 W. S. W. from
Portland. Incorporated, 1762.—
Population, 1837, 2,223.

Lincoln Connty, Me.

Wiscaaset, Topsham and War-
are the county towns. Lincoln
county is bounded N. by the coun-
ties of Kennebec and Waldo, E.
by Waldo county and Penobscot
bay, S. by the Atlantic ocean, and
W. by Cumberland county and Cas-
co bay. Area about 950 square
miles. This county is bounded on
the ocean nearly fifty miles, and
like the county of Hancock in this
state, comprises an almost innumer-
able number of bays, coves, inlets,
commodious harbors and fertile isl-
ands. The waters of the Muscon-
gus, Damariscotta and Shecpscot
pierce its centre, and the noble
Kennebec finds all its Atlantic har-
bors in tbe county of Lincoln.

Considerable attention is paid to
agriculture, for the soil is generally
fertile and well adapted to' the pur-
suit ; but this county is essentially a


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