Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 221
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maritime section of New England,
possessing every requisition for for-
eign commerce, the coasting trade
and fisheries. The tonnage of the
three districts, Bath, Wiscasset and
Waldoborough, in 1837, was 93,347
tons. This county contained, in
1837, 84,000 sheep, and raised 37,-
963 bushels of wheat. Population,
1820, 53,189 ; 1830, 57,181; 1837,
60,226 : 63 inhabitants to a square

Lincoln, Me*

Penobscot co. This is a very
large town, more than double the
common size. It lies on the E. side
of the Penobscot, at the mouth of
Matanaucook river, where is a
pleasant and flourishing village, 45
miles N. by E. from Bangor, and
114 N. E. from Augusta. Lincoln
has recently been incorporated, and
possesses a soil of remarkable fertil-
ity. Population, 1830, 414; 1837,
1,045. Wheat crop, 1837, 4,263

Lincoln, N. H.,

Grafton co., a mountainous town-
ship 70 miles N. from Concord.—
The middle branch of the Pemige-
wasset passes through nearly the
centre of the town. It has its
source in Ferrin’s pond, in the S.
part of Franconia. There are sev-
eral ponds, viz: Bog, Fish and Loon
ponds. There are many elevations,
of which Kinsman’s mountain is
the most considerable. In the N.
part of the town are two large gulfs,
made by an extraordinary discharge
of water from the clouds in 1774.
The numerous “ slips,” as they ate
called, from the mountain are wor-
thy of notice. They commence
near the summit of the mountain,
and proceed to its base, forcing a
passage through all obstructions.
The soil here is poor. Wild ani-
mals, such as bears, raccoons, foxes,
sables, otters, deer, &c., are very
numerous. Lincoln was granted in
1764, to James Avery and others.
Population, 1830, 50.

Lincoln, Vt.

Addison co. Lincoln was first
settled by a number of “Friends,”
in 1790. The town is on high
ground with an uneven surface. |t
lies 21 miles S. W. from Montpe-
lier, and 15 N. E. from Middlebury.
Population, 1S30, 639.

Lincoln, Mass*

Middlesex co. Lincoln is bound-
ed W. by Sudbury river. It lies
t6 miles N. W. by W. from Boston,
and 3 S. from Concord. Incorpora-
ted, 1754. Population, 1837, 694.
It has some good farms and a large
fish pond. The manufactures of
the town consist of clothing, leath-
er, straw bonnets, hoots and shoes.

Lincoln ville, Me.

Waldo co. On the W. side of
Penobscot bay, 10 miles S. from
Belfast, 7 N. from Camden, and 51
. E. from Augusta. Incorporated,
1802. Population, 1837, 1,999.—
This township has a good soil for
grass, grain and potatoes. Wheat
crop of 1837, 4,212 bushels. The
town is well located for any branch
of navigation. Duck Trap is an ex-
cellent harbor, and a busy place in
the coasting trade.

Linnens, Me.

Washington co. This town is
the source of a branch of the Mat-
tawamkeag; and of a branch of the
Meduxnekeag, flowing into the St.
John’s. It lies
8 miles S. W. from
Houlton. Population, 1837, 208.
Wheat crop same year, 2,514 bush-
els. Incorporated, 1836.

Lisbon, Me.

Lincoln co. Lisbon lies on the
E. side of Androscoggin river, and
miles below Lewiston Falls. There
are falls in the river at this place,
called the “ Ten mile falls.” Lis-
bon has some manufactures of cot-
ton and wool, a number of saw mills,
and is united with Durham by a


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