Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 222
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bridge. Wheat crop 1837, 3,781
bushels. Population, same year,
2,660. It lies 30 miles S. S. W.
from Augusta, and 22 W. by N.
from Wiscasset.

Lisbon, N. H.

Grafton co. It is 20 miles N. E.m
from Haverhill, and 90 from Con-
cord. It is watered by Amonoo-
suck river,, running through the
whole extent of the town, and by
several smaller streams. There
are several ponds, the most noted,
of which is called Mink pond, ly-
ing in the S. part of the town, af-
fording mill seats at its outlet. The
soil admits of three divisions; the
meadoWs or intervales on Amonoo-
suck river,* which are generally
very productive; the plain land, of
a light, thin soil, requiring consid-
erable manure to make it produc-
tive ; and the uplands, of a strong
deep soil, which afford many good
farms. Blueberry mountain is the ]
principal elevation. Large quan-
tities of iron ore and limestone are
found here. Maple sugar is man-
ufactured and clover seed is raised
in considerable quantities. . This
town was called Concord until 1824.
Population, 1830, 1,485.

Lisbon, Ct.

New London co. This town is 7
miles N. from Norwich, from which
it was taken in 1786. It is water-
ed by Quinnebaug and Shetucket
rivers, which unite in the S. part
of the town. The soil is a gravel-
ly and sandy loam, with some allu-
vial meadow. This is an excellent
farming town : the inhabitants are
generally industrious and independ-
ent. In that part of the town call-
ed Hanover, is a woolen and silk
factory. Lisbon is 45 miles S. E.
•from Hartford. Population, 1830,


Litcbfield, Me*

Kennebec co. An excellent
township of land, pleasantly situa-
ted 10 miles S. W. from Gardiner,
and the source of some of the Cob-
besseecontee waters. Litchfield lies
16 miles S. S. W. from Augusta, and
was formerly a part of Lincoln
county. Incorporated, 1795.. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 2,341. Wheat crop,
same year, 5,123 bushels.

Litcbfield, N. II.,

Hillsborough co., is a small fer-
tile township on the E. bank of
Merrimack river. It is 8 miles E.
from Amherst, and 30 S. by E. from
Concord. This town has an excel-
lent soil. There are two ferries,
Thornton’s, near the meeting house,
on the post road from Amherst to
Portsmouth; and Read’s, 3 miles

Litchfield was taken from Dun-
stable in 1734. It was originally
known by the Indian name of
, and by the English one of
Brenton's Farm. The settlement
commenced about 1720.

The Hon. Wyseman Clagett
closed his life in this town. He
was a native of England, came to
this country before the revolution
commenced, and sustained several
important offices. He was attorney
general under the provincial and
state governments, and filled the
office with dignity and honor. Pop-
ulation, 1830,505.

Litcbfield County, Ct.

Litchfield, county town. This
is the largest and most elevated
county in the state. The surface
is hilly and in some parts mountain-
ous. The soil is chiefly a gravelly
loam, under good cultivation, and
very productive of butter, cheese,
beef and pork. It abounds in iron
ore, which is extensively manufac-
tured. This county contains an area
of 885 square miles. Population,
1820, 41,267; 1830, 42,855; con-
taining 48 inhabitants to a square
mile. This county is watered by
numerous ponds; by the beautiful
Housatonick, and by many rivers


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