Ethan Allen, a brigadier-gen- eral in the American service, dis- tinguished for his daring and intre- pid spirit, was a native of this town.
“ While he was young, his pa- rents erhigrated to Vermont. At the commencement of the disturb- ances in this territory, about the yfear 1770, he took a most active part in.favor of the Green Moun- tain boys, as the settlers were then called, in opposition to the govern- ment of New York. An act of outlawry against him was passed by that state, and 500 guineas were of- fered for his apprehension: but his party was too numerous and faith- ful to permit him to be disturbed by any apprehensions for his safety. In all the struggles of the day he was successful; and he not only proved a valuable friend to those whose cause he had espoused, but he was humane and generous to- wards those with whom he had to contend. When called to take the field, he showed himself an able leader and an intrepid soldier. |
“ The news of the battle of Lex- ington determined Col. Allen to en- gage on the side of his country, and inspired him with the desire of dem- onstrating his attachment to liberty, hy some bold exploit. While his mind was in this state, a plan for taking Ticonderoga and Crown Point by surprise, which was formed by several gentlemen in Connecticut, was communicated to him, and he readily engaged in the project. Receiving directions from the gen- eral assembly of Connecticut to raise the Green Mountain hoys, and conduct the enterprise, he collected 230 of the hardy settlers and pro- ceeded to Castleton. Here he was unexpectedly joined by Col. Ar- nold, who had been commissioned by the Massachusetts committee to raise 400 men, and effect the same object, which was now about to be accomplished. As he had not rais- ed the men, he was admitted to act as an assistant to Col. Allen. They reached the lake opposite Ticonde- roga on the evening of the 9th of May, 17.75. . With the utmost diffi- culty boats were procured, and 83 men were landed near the garrison. The approach of day rendering it dangerous to wait for the rear, it was determined immediately to proceed. The cpmmander in chief now ad- dressed his men, representing that they had been for a number of years a scourge to arbitrary power, and famed for their valor, and conclud- ed with saying, ‘ I now propose to advance before you, and in person conduct you through the wicket gate; and you, who will go with me voluntarily in this desperate at- tempt, poise your firelocks.’ At the h§ad of the centre file he marched instantly to the gate,where a sentry snapped his gun at him, and retreated through the covered way: he pressed forward into the fort, and formed his men on the parade in 9uch a manner as to face two opposite barracks. Three huz- zas awaked the garrison. A sentry, who asked quarter, pointed out the apartments of the commanding offi- cer ; and Allen with a drawn sword over the head of Capt. De la Place, who was undressed, demanded the surrender of the fort. { By what authority do you demand it ?’ in- quired the astonished commander. ‘ I demand it (said Allen) in the name of the great Jehovah and of the continental congress.’ The summons could not be disobeyed, and the fort, with its very valuable stores and 49 prisoners was imme- diately surrendered. Crown Point was taken the same day, and the capture of a sloop of war, soon af- terwards, made Allen and his brave party complete masters of Lake Champlain.”
Gen. Allen possessed strong pow- ers of mind, but they never felt the influence of education. Though he was brave, humane and gener- ous, yet his conduct does not seem to have been much influenced by |