Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 225
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considerations- respecting that holy
and merciful Being, whose charac-
ter and whose commands are dis-
closed to'us in the scriptures.”

Gen. Allen died at Colchester,
Feh. 13,1789, aged 52..

Little Androscoggin River,

In Maine, has its sources in ponds
in the towns of Woodstock, Green-
wood, and Norway: it passes in a
southeasterly direction through Ox-
ford, and falls into the Androscog-.
gin between Minot and Danville,
opposite to Lewiston.

Little Compton, R, I.

Newport co. . This very pleasant
town, the Indian
Seaconnet, lies on
the ocean, at the eastern entrance
into Narraganset bay, 9 miles E. by
N. from Newport, 30 S. S. E. from
Providence, and 12 S. from Fall
River, Mass. The soil of the town
is uncommonly fertile, and being
cultivated byan industrious class
of men, is very^productive of corn
and other grain; beef, pork, but-
ter* cbeese, and wool.

Seaconnet Rocks, at the south-
eastern extremity of the town,
where a break-water has been
erected by government, is well
known to sailors, and memorable as
the place where a treaty was made
between the English and the Queen
of the powerful Seaconnet tribe, in
1674. ThaJ tribe is now extinct:
Seaconnet Rocks is their only mon-

Little Compton is becoming cel-
ebrated as a place of resort, in sum-
mer months, for sea air and bath-
ing; and very justly so, for very
few parts of our coast exhibit a
more interesting location. •

Little Macliias Little Rivers.

See Cutler.

Littleton, N. II.

Grafton co. On Connecticut riv-
er. Its extent on Connecticut river
is about 14 miles It is 30 miles*

N. by E. from Haverhill, and SO
N. N. W. from Concord. Connec-
ticut river, in passing down the
rapids called
Fifteen Mile Falls,
extending the whole length of Lit-
tleton, runs in foaming waves for
miles together, which render it im-
possible to ascend or descend with
boats in safety. There are three
bridges over the Connecticut in Lit-
tleton. Amonoosuck river waters
the S. part, having on its banks small
tracts of excellent intervale. The
•principal village is on this river, in
the S. part of the town, and is called
Glynville. Raspberry,Black,Palm-
er’s and Iron mountains are the
most prominent elevations. Near
Amonoosuck river, there is a min-
eral spring, the water of which is
said to he similar to the Congress
spring at Saratoga. The land com-
prehending Littleton was first grant-
ed in 1764, by the name of
It was re-granted in 1770,
by the name of
Apthorp. In 1784,
Apthorp was divided, and the towns
of Littleton and Dalton incorporat-
ed. Population, 1830, 1,435.

Littleton, Mass.

Middlesex co. The Indians call-
ed this town
Nashabah. It is 27
miles W. N. W. from Boston, and
10 N. W. from Concord. Incorpo-
rated, 1715. Population, 1837, S76.
There are several beautiful ponds
in the town, and limestone. The
soil is tolerably good, and adapted
for the growth of rye and hops.
There are some manufactures of
boots, shoes, and straw bonnets.

Livermore, Me.

Oxford co. An excellent town-
ship of land, on both sides of the*
Androscoggin river, 25 miles W.
from Augusta, and 18 N. E. from
Paris. Incorporated, 1795. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 2,456; 1837, 2,631.
There are three pleasant villages
in the town, fine falls on the river,
saw mills and other manufactures.


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