Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 236
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.Machias and Little .Machias riv-
, in Penobscot county, are im-
portant tributaries to the Aroostook.
Their course is easterly, and their
mouths me-et near each other about
30 miles W* N. W. from Mars Hill.

Machias Bay sets up from the
sea about 10 mile3 and meets Ma-
chias Port. This bay is 4 or 5 miles
in width at its mouth, and contains
in its bosom s.everal coves, harbors,
and beautiful islands: Cross island
lying at its mouth is tbe largest,
being about 3 miles by 2.

Macliias, Me.

Washington co. County town.
This was a famous lodgement of the
Indians. First settled, 1762. It
was incorporated in 1784, and was
the first corporate town between
Penobscot and St. Croix rivers. It
formerly comprised East Machias
and Machias Port. The village is
situated , on the east side of the
west branch, and near the mouth
of Middle river. It contains the
county- building, numerous saw
mills, and has an extensive trade,
particularly in lumber. Machias
lies 143 miles E. N. E. from Augus-
ta. Population, 1837, 1,239. This
is a pleasant and interesting town.

Macliias Port, Me.

Washington co. Incorporated
in 1S26. It is the southern part of
Old Machias, and extends north-
ward to the union of the branches
of Machias river. It has a great
number of mills, and is very exten-
sively engaged in the lumber trade.
It is a port of entry:—it has an
excellent harbor, and considerable
navigation in the coasting and fish-
ing business. The tonnage of the
district in 1837, was 8,360 tons. In
this part of Old Machias the Ply-
mouth Colony established a trading
house in 1630. It was subsequent-
ly occupied by the French for sev-
eral years. Machias Port lies 146
miles E. N. E. from Augusta, and
3 S. from Machias. Population,
1837, 821.

Madamiscontis River, Me.,

Rises in a large poild, and emp-
ties, from the N. W. into Penobscot
river, about 45 miles above Ban-

lladawaska River, Me.

This river is in the county of Pe-
nobscot, an'd is the outlet of Temis-
couata lake, and other large bodies
of water in the northern part of the
county bordering on the line of
Lower Canada# .This river and
these lakes, with their numerous
tributaries, water a country of great
extent, and which is said to equal
any country in the world in fertili-
ty, even the luxuriant prairies of the
“ boundless west.” The course of
these waters is N. W. and traverse a
distance of more than 100 miles.
From the mouth of Madawaska in-
to the St. John’s to Augusta is about
240 miles N. N. E.

Maclawaslca, Me.

Washington co. - This town was
incorporated in 1831, and comprises
the territory marked F. and K. on
Greenleaf’s map. It is bounded E.
by the British Province of New
Brunswick, N. near the passage of
St. John’s, across the line of the
state; and W. and S. by a vast and
fertile territory between the Aroos-
took and. St. John’s rivers ; at pres-
ent but thinly inhabited. This town
was tbe place where the land agents
of Maine were taken, by order of
the British government, and impris-
oned at Frederickton, N. B. In
1837, Madawaska was supposed to
contain a population of 2,487. It
lies about 220 miles N. E. by N.
from Augusta, and 130 N. W. from
Frederickton, N. B.

Madbury, N. H.,

Strafford co., is bounded N. E.
by Dover, S. W. by' Durham and


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