Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 237
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About 10,000 of these fish are con-
sidered a good dressing for an acre
of land.

This place has a small harbor and
some navigation. Ship building is
the most important mechanical pur-

Lee, N. W. by Barrington. The
soil of this town is generally pro-
ductive. In some parts of the to wn,,
bog iron ore has been dug up m
considerable quantities, and in some
instances red and yellow ochte.—r-
Bellamay bank river is the only
stream of any magnitude, and Bar-,
badoes pond the only considerable
body of water. This pond lies be-
tween Dover and Madbury, and is
120 rods long, 50 wide. Madbury
formerly constituted a part of the
ancient town of Dover; but was set
off and incorporated May 31, 1755,
by its present name. Population,
in 1S30, 510.

Madison, Me.

Somerset co. This township lies
on the'E. side of Kennebec river,
34 miles N. from Augusta and
bounded S. by Norridgewock. It
was incorporated in 1804. Popula-
tion, 1830, 1,272 ; 1837, 1,608. It
is watered by a beautiful pond, the
outlet of which is at Skowhegan.
There are three pleasant villages in
the town :—the people are general-
ly husbandmen. The best compli-
ment that can be paid to the soil is,
that it produced, without any extra- j
ordinary effort, 10,188 bushels of
wheat, in 1837.

Madison, Ct.

New Haven co. This town was
taken from Guilford in 1826. It lies
on Long Island Sound, and embra-
ces what is called Hammonasset
Point. This town lies 18 miles E.
by S. from New Haven, and 33 S.
from Hartford. Population, 1830,
1,809. The soil of the town is
stony, and naturally hard to culti-
vate ; but it is made quite produc-
tive of corn, rye and potatoes by the
use of
white fish, ploughed in.—
These fish appear in the sound about
the 1st of June, and continue 3 or
4 months. They are taken in great
quantities and are considered an ex-
cellent manure. They were first
thus used about the year 1798.—

The Hon. Thomas Chitten-
for many years governor.of
Vermont, ami his brother
zer Chittenden,
a gentleman
of great mechanical genius, were
natives of this town. The former
was born in 1730, and died in 1797.

The following is the inscription
on a monument in the grave yard,
in memory of an old sea captain.

Though Boreas’ blasts and Neptune’s

Have toss’d me to an'd fro,

In spite of both by God’s decree

I harbor here belOw,

Where I do at anchor ride

With many of ourfleet; .

Yet once again I must set sail

Our Admiral, Christ, to meet.

Mad Rivers.

Mad River in A*. H., rises
among the mountains in the N. E.
j part of Grafton county ; it crosses
the S. E. part of Thornton apd falls
into the Pemigewasset at Campton.

Mad River, Vt. A rapid, stream,
rises in the high lands S. of War-
ren, and after passing through
Waitsfield, it falls iuto Onion riv-
er at Moretown.

Madrid, Me.

Franklin co. This township was
incorporated in 1836. It is watered
by some of the head branches of
Sandy river and contains a part of
Saddleback mountain. The soil is
excellent and yielded, in 1837,
3,387 bushels of wheat. Popula-
tion same year, 351. It lies 25
miles N. W. from Farmington and
about 105 N. W. from Augusta.

Maduakceunk River, Me.

Penobscot co. A tributary of


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