Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 244
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Chester lies 22 miles N. by E. from
Bennington; and about 40 W. from
Bellows Falls, across the-moun-
tains. First settled, 1764. Popu-
lation, 1S30, 1,525.    '

\ Manchester, Mass.

Eskex co. This is. a flourishing
fishing to'w-n on Massachusetts bay,
26 miles N. E.Trom Boston, and 5-
S. W. from Gloucester. It was
taken from Salem in 1645.' Popu-
lation, 1S37, 1,346.' There are a
number of vessels belonging to the
town employed in the fishing and
coasting business. The value of
the fishery, the year, ending April
1,1837, amounted to $12,800. The
value of the articles manufactur-
ed was $96,473. Those articles’
consisted of vessels, boots, shoes,
leather, chairs, cabinet ware, palm-
leaf hats, and ships’ wheels. The
village is very pleasant, and com-
mands fine prospects. . Although
Manchester is a rocky, rough
township, it ckn boast a rare native
production in this climate,—the
magnolia, a beautiful flowerirg

Manchester, Ct-

Hartford co. An important man-
ufacturing town on the Hockanum,
a valuable mill stream, 10 miles E.
from Hartford. The first cotton
mill in this state was built here in
1794. There are three pleasant
villages, six-Or seven paper mills,
two powder mills, woolen and other
manufactures. The face of the
town is uneven, but the soil, a s,andy
and gravelly loam, is quite produc-
tive. It was called Orford, a par-
ish in East Hartford, until its incor-
poration, in 1823. Population,
1830, 1,576.

Manhegin Island, Me.

This 4sland lies off Muscongus
bay, Lincoln county. There is a
light-house on it, the tower of which
Is 30 feet high. It bears S. from

the mouth of St.- George’s river,
about 12 miles.

Mansfield, Vt.

Lamoille co. There is some
good land in this town, on Brown’s
river and the branches of Water-
bury river, but in general it is too
mountainous even for grazing. It
lies 20 miles; N. W. from Montpe-
lier, 20 E. by N. from Burlington,
and 13 S. W. from Hyde Park.—
Population, IS30, 279, First set-
tled, 1799.    •

•Mansfield Mountains extend
through the town of'Mansfield from
N. to S. They belong to the Green
mountain range, and the
nose and
chin, so called, from their resem-
blance to the face of a man lying
on his back, exhibits some of the
loftiest summits in the state. The
nose is 3,933 feet above tide water;
the chin, 4,279.

Mansfield, Mass.

Bristol co. This town lies 26
miles S. S. W. from Boston, 18 N.
E. from Providence, and 11 N. N,
W. from Taunton. It was taken
.from Norton in 1770, and is watered
by several branches of Taunton riv-
er. The soil is thin and the sur-
face level. Population, 1837,1,444.
There are 6 cottou and 1 woolen
mills in the town, and 2 nail facto-
ries. The manufactures consist of
cotton and woolen goods, nails,
straw bonnets, palm-leaf hats, and
baskets : total annual amount, about

A mine of anthracite coal was
discovered in this town a few years
since, near the Boston and Provi-
dence fail road, which promises to
be of inestimable value to the com-
munity. It was discovered in dig-
ging a well. An incorporated com-
pany has purchased the right of
mining on that and several adjoin-
ing farms. They sunk a shaft which
struck a vein five feet in thickness,
at the depth of 20 feet, running N.


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